Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Domestic Child Abuse Essay Example

Domestic Child Abuse Essay Example Domestic Child Abuse Paper Domestic Child Abuse Paper â€Å"Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. † These are the words of Saisan, Smith and Segal (par 1). in their article on Child Abuse and Neglect. Children have been abused at home by their parents, older siblings as well as those who take care of them. Perhaps they are punished because their misbehaviors but any punishment that goes beyond the boundaries is child abuse. Physical abuse is shocking because of the scars left behind but emotional abuse can even be worse. Little is known that ignoring the needs of a child or making a child feel stupid and worthless is child abuse (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 1-2). Why would parents assault their children? What are the dangers of after a child abuse? Is there any cure to end domestic violence? This research paper aims at exploring the causes, effects and solutions to domestic child abuse. Facts about Domestic Child Abuse Child domestic violence is a reality and it is happening at an alarming rate. It is however not committed out of an abnormal condition of the mind but it is committed by people who would be considered as normal. Child domestic abuse occurs everywhere in the world irrespective of a people’s culture, race, social class, religion or creed. Newman adds that â€Å"It is not an abnormal aberration; it is a fundamental characteristic of the way we relate to one another in private, intimate setting† (Newman 212). A survey carried out by Dr. C. H. Kempe in the early years of 1960’s, brought the society to the attention of domestic child abuse. Parents, siblings and caretakers did not only assault the children at home physically but also sexually. They did this more than the strangers did according to the surveys that Dr. Kempe made. He and his fellow colleagues referred to domestic child abuse as ‘battered child syndrome’ (Davis 3). Domestic child abuse is something that has been learnt. United States in particular is famously known for applying violence to achieve a goal. To the psychology of many people, it is only through violence that certain problems can be solved. Violence has pervaded culture. It starts from movies running down to schools, spectator sports, governments and at home. Families increase the intensity of the violence that already exists (Newman 212). Types of Child Abuse Though there may be different types of domestic child abuse, the core element is their effect on a child’s emotions. Whether the child was abused by slapping, a comment that is harsh, stony silence, or going without dinner, they all breed a feeling of insecurity, not being cared for and loneliness (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 13). Physical Abuse Physical injury or harm can result from a deliberate attempt by the parent or the care giver to hurt a child. It can also be as a result of instilling discipline in a child. Severe beating given as punishment that is not in accordance to the age of a child is physical child abuse. Additionally, when a parent physically attacks a child out of anger, he or she is abusive. A child should be made to know what is right or wrong in a calm way and not when the parents fumes with anger (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 18-20). This is the most common type of child abuse. According to reports 143, 300 children had suffered serious injuries out of physical abuse in US in the year 1990 (Carter, par 23). Emotional Abuse The old adage â€Å"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 14). As quoted by Saisan, Smith Segal in their article on Child Abuse and Neglect this saying will not apply when it comes to domestic child abuse. Emotional child abuse such as humiliating a child constantly, calling negative names, constant yelling and threatening the child, limited or no contact with the child such as hugging causes severe mental damage to a child leaving psychological scars that will for ever remain (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 15). Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is not always a body contact. Even exposing a child to a sexual materials and situations is abusive. Both girls and boys are at risk of sexual abuse from close relatives and caregivers. This abuse leads to shame, guilt and makes a child feel stigmatized. They develop a hate towards themselves leading to sexual problems at later days such as failure to indulge into intimate sexual relationships (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 21-23). Child Neglect Failing to meet the basic needs of a child such as enough food, clothing and even supervision can be dangerous. A parent might physically or mentally fail to provide for the child and this will hurt their parent-child relationship. The older children in case of neglect will play-act as if all is well but neglect also affects them (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 16-17). Causes of Domestic Child Abuse Personal factors like stress and frustration are the major causes of domestic violence on children. The children spend most of their time with the members of his/her family. They are the people that children interact most with. Emotions in families run deep. For instance, anger towards a stranger cannot be compared to the anger towards a child at home. Newman in his book points out that â€Å"Family life contains endless sources of stress and tension† (Newman 212). Children expect so much from their families ranging from warmth, intimacy, emotional to financial support. When the children’s expectations are not met, stress takes toll. The child will start grappling and this can lead to their attack by parents or even elder members of the family. On the other hand birth and bringing up a child, employment transitions, financial problems, illnesses, among other factors are enough stressors to parents such that when slightly provoked by their children can lead to beatings and other forms of child abuse (Newman 212). When a parent or a caregiver is frustrated by life’s stressors, he or she may displace his anger to the vulnerable creature in the house. In the process, children are injured not because they have committed any crime but the parent’s failure to control their emotions (Williams, par 1). Addictions to alcohol and other drugs make great contributions to child domestic violence. Addiction to Alcohol leaves one with less self control not only when one is drunk but also when he/she is sober. The poor self control make one abusive to his/her children or the children that are put under the care if him/her. This is the leading cause for sexual child abuse at home (Williams, par 1). Domestic violence between parents leads to child abuse. When a child witnesses his/her parents in a tug of war, he is emotionally affected. It may become implanted in a child and may lead to youth and adult violence as well as other criminalities (Carter, par 4). More so, children can be physically injured in the process. The injury may be accidental during their parents’ attacking each other. For instance when an object is thrown and hits the child. Small babies may be hurt while it is being held. Children also are attacked while trying to make interventions to the fighting parents. Dangerously, a child can also be hurt intentionally in an effort of one parent trying to intimidate the other. Whether emotionally of physically, accidentally or intentionally, domestic fights between partners is one of the leading causes of domestic child abuse (Carter, par 6). Gang affiliation especially for children who are at their teens is also a cause to domestic abuse. The teens are bound to give away their family loyalty to their gangs. They for this move disrespect their older siblings and more importantly their parents. This can lead to attack by the family members even when they mean no harm for the child. The teens who now feel above the family law are constantly reported of attacking their parents and elder siblings (Williams, par 1). Symptoms of a Domestically Abused Child Children who are domestically abused are normally angry and aggressive after a slight provocation. More so, they are withdrawn and keep to themselves without indulging in any social activity. They are never cheerful and always wear a dull face. Other signs of domestically abused children include fear, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), and low self esteem (Jones . 41). Effects of Abuse Domestic child abuse leave life long scars irrespective of the abuse type. The scars might physically be seen and will heal away but emotional scars have effects that are long lasting. The emotional damage caused by domestic abuse is the most severe and affects a child in almost all aspects. Children who are emotionally abused find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships, cannot function properly at home and at school among other damages (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 8). Physical abuse can lead to severe injuries or death. Children get bruised faces, broken legs and hands among other injuries. (Carter, par 5). Some children cannot endure the torture and they die in the process. â€Å"More than three children die per day because of child abuse† (Carter, par 22). Carter laments in an article on, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Youth Violence: Strategies for Prevention and Early Intervention (Carter, par 22). Following a research carried out between the years 1990 to 1994, about 5,400 children had died as a result of domestic child abuse (Carter, par 5). As Newman in his book Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of everyday life â€Å"Child abuse can sometimes be fatal† (Newman 212). According to a study carried out in the year 2004, approximately 1, 5000 children faced death as a result of abuse and neglect. Further studies revealed that of the deaths, 90% of the children had been killed by parents, a parent’s unmarried partner or close relatives. Most of the children, about 80%, who succumbed to death, were less than four years of age (Newman, 212). The children lack trust with their parents. Saisan, Smith Segal in their article on Child Abuse And Neglect ask a very sensitive question, â€Å"If you can’t trust your parents, who can you trust? † (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 8). When the primary caregivers have damaged their relationship with a child, the child lacks trust in them. They feel that their emotional needs as well as physical needs cannot be met by people responsible for taking care of them. When a child grows up with this mistrust, it is difficult in future to trust other people. The children will have problems in keeping relationships for fear of abuse and control. More so the child had never known what it means to have a good relationship and may end up in unhealthy relationships (Saisan, Smith Segal, par 10). Neglect and abuse of the child at home can break the attachment of the child from the caregiver or a parent who is abusive. The relationship between the parent and the child can easily be lost if the child constantly faces domestic violence. It can be so dangerous when the relationship is broken as the child can even deteriorate in behavior with an effort of hurting its parent. The child lacks respect for its parents (Jones 41). Domestic child abuse leads to a low self esteem. Due to constant abuses at home, the child feels worthless. It sees itself as a bad child who cannot do the right thing. For instance, when one grows in a family where he/she is always regarded as stupid, this is cultivated in the mind of the individual and it is very hard to change these feelings even as an adult. They will therefore end up doing poorly in school because they believe they are stupid. Even in working conditions an individual will not aspire for high level jobs because they believe they cannot deliver (Saisan, Smith Segal, par. 11). Very Young children cannot understand why they are being abused and tend to believe they must have committed a crime while it may not be the cause. They therefore start blaming themselves. Since they lack the ability to express their feelings, they become withdrawn and silent. Their self esteem is destroyed in the process (Volpe, par. 13). A pre-adolescent child can greatly externalize the negative emotions and will loose interest in any social activity. They become defiant at home and in school aggressive to other people especially in school and worse still, they are likely to indulge into drug and substance abuse (Volpe, par. 14-15). Children who have been victims of domestic abuse have difficulty in expressing their emotions. Their emotions come out in ways that are unexpected. In the adult life, the person will always have struggles with anxiety, anger, depression that cannot be explained. These painful feelings may lead them into alcohol and drug abuse in a way of numbing them (Saisan, Smith Segal, par. 12). Children who are assaulted in their families can loose concentration in class leading to poor performance. They can at times drop out of school as they have lacked meaning in life. Due to physical injuries, they are constantly absent from school to nurse their injuries. This negatively affects their studies (Jones 41). Generally, children who experience victimization at home are negatively affected in development, psychological functioning as well as in their adjustment. The effects are demonstrated in the behavioral and emotional symptoms. However, a child can be affected in the way he/she perceives events, coping with stress as well as reacting to problems. These and many more problems result fro domestic child abuse (Jones 41). Solutions to Domestic Child Abuse It is possible to curb domestic child abuse. According to the many researches that have been carried out, giving children adequate material, emotional and social support as well as giving them safety can end domestic abuse (Spears 6). Parents can stop from being abusive to their children and in turn cultivate love towards their children. Kids want to feel loved and special. By so doing, they are capable of making their dreams come true (Prevent Child Abuse, par 1). Parents should stop fighting between themselves. Their fights hurt children in one way of the other. The emotional injury that is done to a child during domestic violence between partners is life-long. If at all these injuries have to be stopped, parents should learn to solve their problems in other ways apart from fighting. They should even do it in their privacy out of the reach of children. In so doing most of domestic child abuse will have found a solution (Carter, par 6). Parents need to know how to control their emotions. As a parent or a caregiver who is faced by life challenges such as frustrations and tress from the work place, it is important to take some time out controlling your emotions and not reflecting it to the children (Prevent Child Abuse, par 3). Relatives, friends and neighbors can help their families who are struggling with domestic child abuse. They can spend their time together with the family helping them resolve their conflicts or look after the children for sometime to help parents relax and sort themselves out (Prevent Child Abuse, par 2). The public needs education to change their social norms that expose children to abuse at home. Educational campaigns on domestic child abuse will play a great role in informing parents and caretakers about the effects that result fro child abuse. They will hopingly apply what they have learnt and stop domestic child abuse (Carter, par 27) Finally, the community at large has a role to play to stop domestic child abuse. In case there is a feeling that a child is being domestically abuse, it is important to report the matter to the relevant authorities such as the local children’s department, family services or the local police. Children are vulnerable and cannot report their problems to others. Further more most of them are warned against spilling family private information to the outside world. Some of them do not know that they are being abused. The community therefore has to take initiative to help them out of domestic abuse (Prevent Child Abuse, par 10). Conclusion Domestic child abuse just like any other problem has its roots, adverse effects and can be solved once and for all. Children are constantly physically, psychologically, sexually abused and neglected by their parents or caretakers all around the world. Many are the root causes of these assorts ranging from frustrations, drug abuse to domestic violence to name but a few. The effects of any kind of domestic child abuse are far reaching; the child is affected emotionally. The future life of a child is destroyed at a very tender age though many people do not know this. There is therefore an urgent call to curb domestic child abuse especially by parents. When children feel secure, special and loved, they can sore to great heights to realize their dreams. Work Cited Carter, Janet. Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Youth Violence: Strategies For Prevention and Early Intervention. Family Violence Prevention Fund, 2004. Web. 8 July 2010 mincava. umn. edu/link/documents/fvpf2/fvpf2. shtml. Davis, Richard. Domestic Violence: Intervention, Prevention, Policies, and Solutions. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008 Jones, David. Communicating With Vulnerable Children: A Guide for Practitioners. London: Bell Bain Limited, 2003 Newman, David. Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. California: Pine Forge Press, 2008 Prevent Child Abuse. Ten Ways Parents Can Help Prevent Child Abuse. Prevent Child Abuse. Web. 9 July 2010 preventchildabuseutah. org/tenwaystopreventchildabuse. html. Saisan Joanna, Smith Melinda Segal Jeanne. Child Abuse and Neglect. HelpGuide. org. nd 2010. Web 8 July 2010 http://helpguide. org/mental/child_abuse_physical_emotional_sexual_neglect. htm. Spears, Linda. Building Bridges between Domestic Violence Organizations and Child Protective Services. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Feb. 2000. Web. 8 July 2010 cwla. org/programs/domestic/domesticviolence. pdf Williams, Glen. Domestic Violence Facts. Hope. org. Web. 8 July 2010 way2hope. org/domestic_violence_facts-2. htm. Volpe, Joseph. Effects Of Domestic Violence On Children And Adolescents: An Overview. The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. 2006. Web. 8 July 2010 aaets. org/article8. htm.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Who Is Todd Spiewak 8 Must-Know Facts About Jim Parsons’ Partner

Who Is Todd Spiewak 8 Must-Know Facts About Jim Parsons’ Partner SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Who is Todd Spiewak? To the public, he's known as Jim Parsons' boyfriend. The couple has been together since at least 2003. We know a lot about Todd's beau, who plays the lovable, eccentric genius Dr. Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory. Like his television persona, Jim hails from Texas. He had an extensive background in theater before getting his big break playing Sheldon. On the other hand, Todd Alan Spiewak has managed to remain a mystery, despite being linked to one of Hollywood's most prominent actors. I couldn't even confirm his date of birth, which has been reported as January 19th, 1977. However, I did some digging and was able to learn quite a bit about this mystery man. Let's get to know Mr. Spiewak, who is an accomplished fellow in his own right. He's Educated Todd graduated from Boston University in 1999. That's rather impressive considering Boston University only accepts only about a third of its applicants and is among the top 50 National Universities in America according to US News. Furthermore, he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, a major which requires both technical and artistic skills. He Has a Good Job He's employed as an Art Director. You may be wondering what an art director does- I know I was. An art director is responsible for the visual style and images in product packaging, magazines, newspapers, and movie and television productions. I would be terrible at that job. Some of Todd Spiewak’s clients include American Express, Barnes Noble, HP, KitchenAid, and The New York Times. Todd Spiewak is an artistic fellow. He Works With Jim Jim and Todd started a production company together called That’s Wonderful Productions. In 2015, they hired former Paramount Insurge development and production executive Eric Norsoph to be head of development and production. Let’s hope that Jim and Todd can be as successful together in business as they’ve been in romance. He Loves Dogs Jim's character, Sheldon Cooper, is a fan of the felines, but Jim and Todd are dog lovers. The couple lives in Los Angeles with their two dogs, Otis and Rufus. Here are Otis and Rufus wearing ties: They don't look like the best guard dogs, but they're kinda adorable. His Internet Presence Is Limited Even though dating a celebrity gives Todd fame and a platform, he has chosen to mostly stay out of the limelight. You can't find much information about him online. He's not posting on social media. He's not sounding off on any issues; he's basically an anti-Kardashian. So Todd Spiewak remains an enigma to the general public. I assume he's content with allowing his boyfriend to be the focal point. Good luck finding online info on Todd. Jim Gave Him a Shout-Out at the Emmys In his 2013 acceptance speech for winning Best Actor in a Comedy Series, Jim started thanking a bunch of people. Eventually he said thanks â€Å"to [his] favorite person on the planet, Todd Spiewak.† See for yourself. Jim's speech starts at around the 2:00 mark. Todd must have felt pretty special that night. I want somebody to tell me that I’m her favorite person on the planet in an acceptance speech at the Emmys. Sad face. Todd and Jim Are Not Engaged Despite rumors and reports to the contrary, Todd and Jim don't have plans to wed. In 2014, The National Enquirer, perhaps not the most reliable source, reported that they were in fact engaged. Then Jim posted this epic response on Instagram to clear up any confusion and let everyone know that they they're happy, but neither has put a ring on it: Also, on an Ellen appearance in 2014, Ellen DeGeneres asked Jim if he and Todd are going to get married. Ellen was pressuring poor Jim to get hitched and a flustered Jim said that he hasn’t â€Å"been enthusiastic enough about it and [he] feel[s] like a loser for the cause.† Awww. And Todd was watching. Todd and Jim Made Their First Public Appearance in 2013 At the 9th Annual Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Respect Awards at the Beverly Hills Hotel, Todd and Jim made their very first public appearance when they were given the Inspiration Award. Todd’s parents even flew in from Philadelphia to attend. In his acceptance speech, Jim said this: I’ve never considered myself an activist. I’ve never considered my relationship with Todd to be an act of activism. Rather simply, it’s an act of love, coffee in the morning, going to work, washing the clothes, taking the dogs [out]- a regular life, boring love. After Jim finished his speech, Todd lovingly said, â€Å"Well, as always, Jim didn’t leave much for me to say.† They don’t need to be married to act like a married couple. Are Jim and Todd the Gay Brangelina? In 2015, US Weekly named Jim and Todd one of Hollywood’s gay power couples. Other â€Å"gay power couples† included Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Justin Mikita, Lance Bass and Michael Turchin, and Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka. I’m pretty confident that Jim and Todd were more honored to receive GLSEN’s Inspiration Award, but being part of a power couple sounds fun.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Complete College Design Presentation Research Paper - 1

Complete College Design Presentation - Research Paper Example Many fresh graduates are sailing in the same boat of poverty and unemployment. Even after graduating from colleges with good and competent degrees, the fact remains that many remain unemployed for long periods of time (Heckers, 2013). The growing technology has enabled managers to always post vacant positions on the website only to receive thousands of applications.   This means also that many resumes end up in the deleted folder. Economic status of countries have been blamed and marked as the key causes of unemployment among the fresh graduates. Levels of unemployment are positively correlated to the fluctuations of world’s financial situations (Heckers, 2013).   The same problem has been noted among the graduates and senior students who look for internships and contract placements. Even graduates have found it difficult to get volunteer positions because most companies think of spending more money. Most companies fear that volunteers are expensive to maintain and manage (Weissmann, 2012). Governments have also not designed ways of curbing unemployment brought about by the increasing number of graduates. Every year, colleges and university produces graduates in all fields while there is little done by the institution under consideration and the government to manage the situation appropriately (Wanping, 2004). Another reason for student related problems and graduates are lack of networking among the students. Correspondence between students and their seniors helps in integration of ideas and the new interface.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships Assignment

Social Media's Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships - Assignment Example She supports this claim by stating that the people are using extensive amounts of data when conversing on the social media platforms. People are using social media to maintain connectivity between themselves and people with whom connectivity could not have been possible without social media. Surveys also indicate that most families view social media is a way of improving their family lives since it enables them to keep in touch more frequently. The author’s purpose is to show the flaws that exist in the research and articles that condemn social media as one of the ways that lead to isolation and disconnect. This is to persuade the society to view social media in a different way and embrace its powerful connectivity capabilities. The intended audience includes social media users and its opponents. The author intends to inform the opponents of the mistakes they make when they overlook the positive part of social media, which she advocates for. This article is very significant to the contemporary world as it seeks to challenge a view by the majority who view social media as source of isolation. The article shows the capabilities of social media that should not be overlooked with specific concern to connectivity. Tufekci, Z. (2012). Social Medias Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Androids History Essay Example for Free

Androids History Essay Apps can be downloaded from third-party sites or through online stores such as Google Play (formerly Android Market), the app store run by Google. In June 2012, there were more than 600,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play was 20 billion. Android became the world’s leading smart phone platform at the end of 2010. For the first quarter of 2012, Android had a 59% smart phone market share worldwide. At the half of 2012, there were 400 million devices activated and 1 million activations per day. Analysts point to the advantage to Android of being a multi-channel, multi-carrier OS. HISTORY: Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October 2003 by Andy Rubin,Rich Miner Nick Sears and Chris White to develop. Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Google. VERSION HISTORY: Android has been updated frequently since the original release of Astro, with each fixing bugs and adding new features. Each version after Astro and Bender is named in alphabetical order. List of Android version code names: ? Android consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel 2. 6, with middleware, libraries and APIs written in C and application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible libraries based on Apache Harmony. Android uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time compilation. The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM architecture

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Peoples Guide to Knowing your Townies :: Papers

The People's Guide to Knowing your Townies Loud, Aggressive, Hostile. This crowd of people will not be seen without another beside them. They enjoy walking around in a large group, known to them as a 'crew' or a 'gang' or a 'posse' there are many other names not listed, the reason for this is because townies have a short attention span causing them to create their own imaginative names up when the original gets boring. All types of townie are obnoxious creatures; if you are ever unlucky enough to witness a group of them maintain a running distance. Since most townies are cowards do not fear when walking past one when they are on their own since they only act cocky when they outnumber you. There are many different classes of townies to be aware of, these areà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Townie tramps This race of townie prefers to wear old out of date clothes, colours faded away or aluminous. The most well known clothing of a townie tramp consists of; a pair of Addidas joggers, faded aluminous green which they see as the best colour, a faded grey Nike t-shirt with a large Nike tick which fills most of the front of the t-shirt. A matching tracksuit jacket would do nicely, again faded aluminous green. The footwear is usually some old football boots Astroturf soles of course. That is your average clothing of a townie tramp. These people don't usually hang around in large gangs, although they do hang around in gangs but most often in their own street. Playing football in the middle of the road is their favourite pass time. These people usually are aggressive obnoxious and tough. They do not fear when an opposing gang outnumbers them since they don't usually lose. This type of townie is not a fight starter although if in a big enough gang would most likely attempt a riot. My advice would be to not be afraid but perhaps cross the street if on your own, not taking any chances. Designer townies The most well known and most well hated townie is by far the designer The People's Guide to Knowing your Townies :: Papers The People's Guide to Knowing your Townies Loud, Aggressive, Hostile. This crowd of people will not be seen without another beside them. They enjoy walking around in a large group, known to them as a 'crew' or a 'gang' or a 'posse' there are many other names not listed, the reason for this is because townies have a short attention span causing them to create their own imaginative names up when the original gets boring. All types of townie are obnoxious creatures; if you are ever unlucky enough to witness a group of them maintain a running distance. Since most townies are cowards do not fear when walking past one when they are on their own since they only act cocky when they outnumber you. There are many different classes of townies to be aware of, these areà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Townie tramps This race of townie prefers to wear old out of date clothes, colours faded away or aluminous. The most well known clothing of a townie tramp consists of; a pair of Addidas joggers, faded aluminous green which they see as the best colour, a faded grey Nike t-shirt with a large Nike tick which fills most of the front of the t-shirt. A matching tracksuit jacket would do nicely, again faded aluminous green. The footwear is usually some old football boots Astroturf soles of course. That is your average clothing of a townie tramp. These people don't usually hang around in large gangs, although they do hang around in gangs but most often in their own street. Playing football in the middle of the road is their favourite pass time. These people usually are aggressive obnoxious and tough. They do not fear when an opposing gang outnumbers them since they don't usually lose. This type of townie is not a fight starter although if in a big enough gang would most likely attempt a riot. My advice would be to not be afraid but perhaps cross the street if on your own, not taking any chances. Designer townies The most well known and most well hated townie is by far the designer

Monday, November 11, 2019

Engl227 Week 1 Scenario

ENGL227 Week 1 Assignment Scenario You are an upper-level manager in a large metropolitan hotel. One of your assistant managers, Jeff Clarke, has left you a voicemail message requesting emergency leave for the upcoming holiday weekend. Here's what the message stated: I'm calling to request emergency leave again for this weekend. I know I've had three emergency leaves in the last two months, but my grandma isn't feeling well again, and she really needs me to take care of her. I'll be in later tonight for my shift. Can you let me know then? Thanks.You know from previous requests for time off that Jeff's grandmother is coping with a debilitating illness. Your other assistant manager, Nina Hernandez, has covered for Jeff three times in the last two months. She has been looking forward to having this weekend off, as she is going out of town to celebrate her grandson's first birthday. You are already on the schedule this weekend, and if you allow Jeff's emergency leave, you'll be short-sta ffed. To make matters worse, there's a professional conference this weekend for electrical engineers at a nearby convention center, and many of the attendees will be staying at your hotel.This is the first time the convention center has directed attendees to your hotel, and if all goes well, this could mean a lot more business throughout the year. Jeff's absences are becoming more and more of a problem. You could call him back on the phone to deny his request, but you're starting to think you may need a written record of some sort to document the problem in case Jeff's employment needs to be terminated. Human Resources at Corporate are always emphasizing the need for documentation. 1.Complete the Required Audience Profile (below) for Jeff, with the understanding that someone in Human Resources may be a secondary audience for this written response at a later date. 2. Select an appropriate choice of medium: electronic or print. (See Chapter 4 for guidance in selecting an appropriate m edium. ) 3. Write a message to Jeff using an appropriate media choice denying his request and explaining the reasons why. You don't want to fire Jeff, but you do want to be clear that you are denying the request. You really need his help this weekend.Submit the audience profile AND the written message to Jeff to the Week 1 Dropbox. Successful assignments will meet the criteria outlined in the grading rubric included in the Doc Sharing area. Required Audience Profile This audience profile is required as part of the week one assignment. Answer the questions below to create a thorough profile for your primary audience, Jeff Clarke, and your secondary audience, Human Resources. 1. Is my primary audience external or internal? This instance has an internal audience.Since Jeff Clarke is an employee the communication is within the company. 2. What are some key demographics about my audience, such as age, gender, family situation, etc.? The demographics for this situation are the conference coming up, and the family problems Jeff is having, which is the cause for the issues at hand. 3. How much does my audience know about the topic? Jeff has caused the problem, so he is aware of it. He is the assistant manager, and knows about the scheduled event, as well as how much his presence is necessary. 4.How much formality does my audience prefer? The information given does not allow me to know the person, but since the communication is within a business setting I would keep it formal. 5. How do I expect my audience to react to this message? If the family issue is true then, I would hope for understanding that the problem is out of my hands. Also, I would hope my co-workers would be willing to give the support I need during the troubling family crisis. 6. What are my audience’s values in relation to this message? What do they care about most?With the information provided Jeff’s relation to the message is the need for the message, his family crisis, but The Human R esources office cares most about the shift being covered by Jeff, and not his personal problems. 7. What do I want my audience to think, do, feel, or believe after reading my message? I would hope the primary audience, the company, would empathize with the problems I am currently having, and not penalize me for caring for my mother during her illness. 8. Are there any benefits for my audience that is related to this message? The benefit or the audience I can think of would be to try and schedule the leave for after the event, so both parties can be satisfied. 9. What information do I need to include for the secondary audience? The secondary audience, Human Resources, requires paper work for incidences and emergencies. A doctor’s note and a request are needed to clear the time off, and an incident report is needed to terminate the employee. 10. Which medium is most appropriate for this message and this audience? Why? For Human Resources, a full write up of the incident would b e an acceptable medium.If Jeff were to have provide more of a notice than the company could have been more prepared, and the there is a risk that Nina could not accommodate the request because of her plans. If she has already left town or does not respond, then the shift will have to be covered by Jeff as originally intended. Jeff, As you have already been informed there is a conference for electrical engineers coming up this weekend, and they will require a full staff’s attention in order to gain their future business and referrals. The presence of all our managers scheduled is required.Unfortunately, Nina has given a request to go out of town, and has already made arrangements to do so. In the past she has been happy to cover your shift for an emergency, but she has already been given leave, and will not be able to work for you. We are unable to approve this leave of absence for the weekend of the event, but are more than happy to accommodate you for an emergency leave afte r this event. We appreciate your understanding in the current situation, and hope you grandmother gets well. Sincerely, Matt Ferry Hotel Management

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Family Planning Essay

Building a family is a shared responsibility between the husband and wife. They must learn about responsible parenthood. Responsible Parenthood is the will and the ability to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family and children. This means that the couple must be sensitive about the needs of the family and their children to be able to be a healthy family. It involves an adequate preparation to plan and decide the number of children they want and when to have them to ensure the health of the whole family. Hence, the community health nurse should make certain that the couples have the knowledge and services to make informed choices on timing, number and spacing of child bearing. The benefits of family planning are the following: 1. Family planning helps couples plan pregnancies that would be least risky to the health of the mother and the child. 2. Family planning helps reduce environmental problems like overcrowding which cause easy transmission of diseases. 3. Family plann9ing helps reduce the incidence of hereditary diseases like mental retardation, psychotic tendencies, blood disorders, etc. 4. Family planning helps especially low-income fathers to be less prone to suffer from illnesses such as hypertension, gastric ulcer, nervous disorders and communicable diseases. 5. Family planning helps the family members live healthy, more productive and fulfilled lives as each has been afforded the chance to discover and develop his potentials. 6. Family planning deduces the rate of population growth, thus enabling social and economic development.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition of Armature - Art History Glossary

Definition of Armature - Art History Glossary (noun) - In art, an armature is an underlying, unseen, supporting component (usually of wood or metal) for something else. Armatures are useful in sculpture, lost-wax casting (to help make the initial model three-dimensional) and even stop-motion animation puppets. Think of the chicken wire frame upon which plaster or papier mache strips are affixed in a sculpture, to get a mental visual. An even more dramatic example, designed by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, is the iron armature inside Frà ©dà ©ric Auguste Bartholdis Statue of Liberty. Pronunciation arm ·a ·chur Common Misspellings amature, armeture Examples When this armature has been fixed, the artificer begins to take some fine earth, beaten together with horse dung and hair, as I said, and carefully lays a very thin coating all over which he allows to dry, and so on time after time with other coatings, always allowing each to dry until the figure becomes covered with earth raised to the thickness of half a span at the most. - Vasari on Technique (1907 trans.); pp. 160-161.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Story of Nat Turners Rebellion

The Story of Nat Turners Rebellion Nat Turner’s Rebellion was an intensely violent episode which broke out in August 1831 when slaves in southeastern Virginia rose up against white residents of the area. During a two-day rampage, more than 50 whites were killed, mostly by being stabbed or hacked to death. The leader of the slave uprising, Nat Turner, was an unusually charismatic character. Though born a slave, he had learned to read. And he was reputed to possess knowledge of scientific subjects. He was also said to experience religious visions, and would preach religion to his fellow slaves. While Nat Turner was able to draw followers to his cause, and organize them to commit murder, his ultimate purpose remains elusive. It was widely assumed that Turner and his followers, numbering about 60 slaves from local farms, intended to flee into a swampy area and essentially live outside society. Yet they didnt seem to make any serious effort to leave the area.   It is possible Turner believed he could invade the local county seat, seize weapons, and make a stand. But the odds of surviving a counterattack from armed citizens, local militia, and even federal troops, would have been remote. Many of the participants in the rebellion, including Turner, were captured and hanged. The bloody uprising against the established order failed. Yet Nat Turner’s Rebellion lived on in popular memory. The slave insurrection in Virginia in 1831 left a long and bitter legacy. The violence unleashed was so shocking that severe measures were put in place to make it more difficult for slaves to learn to read and to travel beyond their homes. And the slave uprising led by Turner would influence attitudes about slavery for decades. Anti-slavery activists, including William Lloyd Garrison and others in the abolitionist movement, saw the actions of Turner and his band as a heroic effort to break the chains of slavery. Pro-slavery Americans, startled and deeply alarmed by the sudden outbreak of violence, began to accuse the small but vocal abolitionist movement of actively motivating slaves to revolt. For years, any action taken by the abolitionist movement, such as the pamphlet campaign of 1835, would be interpreted as an attempt to inspire those in bondage to follow the example of Nat Turner. Life of Nat Turner Nat Turner was born a slave on October 2, 1800, in Southampton County, in southeastern Virginia. As a child he exhibited unusual intelligence, quickly learning to read. He later claimed he could not recall learning to read; he just set about to do it and essentially acquired reading skills spontaneously. Growing up, Turner became obsessed with reading the Bible, and became a self-taught preacher in a slave community. He also claimed to experience religious visions. As a young man, Turner escaped from an overseer and fled into the woods. He remained at large for a month, but then voluntarily returned. He related the experience in his confession, which was published following his execution: About this time I was placed under an overseer, from whom I  ran away - and after remaining in the woods thirty days, I returned, to the astonishment of the negroes on the plantation, who thought I had made my escape to some other part of the country, as my father had done before.But the reason of my return was, that the Spirit appeared to me and said I had my wishes directed to the things of this world, and not to the kingdom of Heaven, and that I should return to the service of my earthly master - For he who knoweth his Masters will,  and doeth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes, and thus, have I chastened you. And the negroes found fault, and  murmured against me, saying that if they had my sense they would not serve any master in the world.And about this time I had a vision - and I saw white spirits and black spirits engaged in battle, and the sun was darkened - the thunder rolled in the Heavens, and blood flowed in streams - and I heard a voice saying, Such is y our luck, such you are called to see, and let it come rough or smooth, you must surely bear it.I now withdrew myself as much as my situation would permit, from the intercourse of my fellow servants, for the avowed purpose of serving the Spirit more fullyand it appeared to me, and reminded me of the things it had already shown me, and that it would then reveal to me the knowledge of the elements, the revolution of the planets, the operation of tides, and changes of the seasons.After this revelation in the year 1825, and the knowledge of the elements being made known to me, I sought more than ever to obtain true holiness before the great day of judgment should appear, and then I began to receive the true knowledge of faith. Turner also related that he began to receive other visions. One day, working in the fields, he saw drops of blood on ears of corn. Another day he claimed to have seem images of men, written in blood, on leaves of trees. He interpreted the signs to mean a great day of judgment was at hand. In early 1831 a solar eclipse was interpreted by Turner as a sign that he should act. With his experience of  preaching to other slaves, and he was able to organize a small band to follow him.   The Rebellion In Virginia On a Sunday afternoon, August 21, 1831, a group of four slaves gathered in the woods for a barbecue. As they cooked a pig, Turner joined them, and the group apparently formulated the final plan to attack nearby white landowners that night. In the early morning hours of August 22, 1831, the group attacked the family of the man who owned Turner. By stealthily entering the house, Turner and his men surprised the family in their beds, killing them by slashing them to death with knives and axes. After leaving the familys house, Turners accomplices realized they had left a baby sleeping in a crib. They returned to the house and killed the infant. The brutality and efficiency of the killings would be repeated throughout the day. And as more slaves joined Turner and the original band, the violence quickly escalated. In various small groups, slaves armed with knives and axes would ride up to a house, surprising the residents, and quickly murder them. Within about 48 hours more than 50 white residents of Southampton County were murdered. Word of the outrages spread quickly. At least one local farmer armed his slaves, and they helped fight off a band of Turners disciples. And at least one poor white family, who owned no slaves, were spared by Turner, who told his men to ride past their house and leave them alone. As the groups of rebels struck farmsteads they tended to collect more weapons. Within a day the improvised slave army had obtained firearms and gunpowder. It has been assumed that Turner and his followers may  have intended to march on the county seat of Jerusalem, Virginia, and seize weapons stored there. But a group of armed white citizens managed to find and attack a group of Turners followers before that could happen. A number of rebellious slaves were killed and wounded in that attack, and the rest scattered into the countryside. Nat Turner managed to escape and evade detection for a month. But he was eventually chased down and surrendered. He was imprisoned, put on trial, and hanged. Impact of Nat Turners Rebellion The insurrection in Virginia was reported in a Virginia newspaper, the Richmond Enquirer, on August 26, 1831. The initial reports said local families had been killed, and considerable military force might be required to subdue the disturbers. The article in the Richmond Enquirer mentioned that militia companies were riding to Southampton County, delivering supplies of arms and ammunition. The newspaper, in the same week as the rebellion had occurred, was calling out for vengeance: But that these wretches will rue the day on which they broke loose upon the neighboring population is most certain. A terrible retribution will fall upon their heads. Dearly will they pay for their madness and misdeeds. In the following weeks, newspapers along the East Coast carried news of what was generally termed an insurrection. Even in an era before the penny press and the telegraph, when news still traveled by letter on ship or horseback, accounts from Virginia were published widely. After Turner was captured and jailed, he provided a confession in a series of interviews. A book of his confession was published, and it remains the primary account of his life and deeds during the uprising. As fascinating as Nat Turners confession is, it should probably be considered with some skepticism. It was published, of course, by a white man who was not sympathetic to Turner or to the cause of the enslaved. So its presentation of Turner as perhaps delusional may have been an effort to portray his cause as utterly misguided. Legacy of Nat Turner The abolitionist movement often invoked Nat Turner as a heroic figure who rose up to fight against oppression. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Toms Cabin, included a portion of Turners confession in the appendix of one of her novels. In 1861, the abolitionist author Thomas Wentworth Higginson, wrote an account of Nat Turners Rebellion for the Atlantic Monthly. His account placed the story in historical context just as the Civil War was beginning. Higginson was not merely an author, but had been an associate of John Brown, to the extent that he was identified as one of the Secret Six who helped finance Browns 1859 raid on a federal armory. John Browns ultimate goal when he launched his raid on Harpers Ferry was to inspire a slave rebellion and succeed where Nat Turners Rebellion, and an earlier slave rebellion planned by Denmark Vesey, had failed.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Newton's Three Laws, Friction and Electrical Circutes Lab Report

Newton's Three Laws, Friction and Electrical Circutes - Lab Report Example Without friction and other forces including that of gravity, the ball will continue rolling with the same velocity unless it hits something or someone kicks it. Understanding the concept of a net external force is crucial in understanding Newton's first law. To illustrate this, consider a rope being used in a tug of war. There are two opposing forces in the activity but if the two sides pull with the same force then the rope would not move. That is, the two forces cancel each other out resulting to no net force on the rope. Thus, forces may be acting on an object but they are applied in such a manner that they cancel each other's effects. Force is a vector so it is important to take account of the direction. The result is that there will be no change in velocity since Force, F = 0. In calculus, this would be represented as dv/dt = 0 when F = 0 or simply, there is no differential change in velocity when there is no net external force. This is illustrated in the following; Figure 1. A Physics book pulled downward by gravity but the table exerts an upward push. The book does not move because the two forces cancel out. Note that the table is an inanimate object but is exerting force. The occurrence of force applied by the table will be explained further in Newton's Third law. 2.0 Newton's Second Law of Motion: Force and its Representation "The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object." While the first law describes the behaviour of objects where the F = 0, the second law is concerned with the situation where there is an unbalanced force. If F 0, then dv/dt is 0. In simple terms, the object accelerates, a, the rate of which is equal to the force applied divided the mass of the object. The acceleration of an object produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. In equation form: Newton's Second Law is used to account for the acceleration of an object and not the motion itself. This law made it possible to quantify the concept of force. Whereas before it was previously defined as a push or pull, force was now quantified using the unit Newton (N). 1 N is equivalent to the force required to impart a 1 kg mass with acceleration of 1 m/s/s. The vector nature of force is also highlighted in the second law and gave rise to the need for constructing free body diagrams (FBDs). A free body diagram is a simple representation of an object with arrows. These arrows represent the forces together with its direction and intensity. In constructing FBDs, it is essential to take full account of all the forces acting on the object including action-at-a-distance force. An illustration of FBDs and unbalanced forces are shown: Figure 2. The object is acted upon by forces which are unbalanced in all three cases thereby resulting to an acceleration of the body mass. 3.0 Newton's Third Law of Motion: Action- Reaction "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" All