Monday, September 30, 2019

The Theme of Secrecy in Twelfth Night

Secrecy is an important element in any plot. It creates irony and sometimes situational comedy. The way in which a character keeps or reveals a secret affects the plot and adds to the main theme of the work. Viola, a character in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, must keep the secret of her true identity. The play uses secrecy as an important element of the plot by creating irony, situational comedy, and tension, as well as affecting the plot and contributing to the overall meaning of the play. The plot of Twelfth Night is affect by the secret that Viola keeps and reveals. Viola is a lady of Messaline who has been shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria. Believing her brother Sebastian is dead, she wants to start a new life in Illyria, but the court of Lady Olivia is not accepting any new members because Lady Olivia is in mourning after her father and brother have died. In order to join the court of Duke Orsino, Viola must disguise herself as a boy named Cesario. Orsino accepts â€Å"Cesario† into his court and from that point on, secrecy is embedded within the plot. Secrecy is necessary because she cannot be revealed as a woman for several reasons. Viola becomes close with Orsino, which causes her to fall in love with him, but since she has become so close to him, Orsino trusts â€Å"her† and sends â€Å"Cesario† to Lady Olivia’s house to try to convince her to accept his love. Even though Olivia has sworn off love, as soon as she meets Cesario she falls for him because he knows all the charming things to say to her. Since Cesario is actually Viola, the swooning words she says to Olivia is what Viola would want to hear if a man were confessing his love to her. Cesario says to Olivia, â€Å"Make me a willow cabin at your gate/ And call upon my soul within the house,/ Write loyal cantons of contemned love,/ And sing them loud even in the dead of night// Hallow your name to the reverberate hills/ And make the babbling gossip of the air/ Cry out ‘Olivia! ’ O, you should not rest/ Between the elements of air and earth/ But you should pity me† (43). This speech is what Viola would want to hear if she was being pursued by a man, which is why Olivia falls for Cesario. This complicates the plot because now Olivia is in love with Cesario who is actually Viola which creates a sense of situational comedy and irony. This secret not only affects the plot, but it contributes to the overall theme of the play, love or the lack of. Olivia is not actually in love with Cesario and neither is Orsino with Olivia, they are both in love with the idea or concept of love. On the other hand, Viola is truly in love with Orsino, which is revealed to the audience when Cesario is discussing love with Orsino; Cesario says, â€Å"Sooth, but you must. / Say that some lady, as perhaps there is,/ Hath for your love as great a pang of heart/ As you have for Olivia. You cannot lover her:/ You tell her so. Must she not them be answered† (73)? Viola, disguised as Cesario, is speaking about herself which creates tension and irony for the audience. Viola’s secret keeps her from openly loving Orsino and causes Olivia to be in love with Cesario. Viola’s brother, Sebastian, who is in fact not dead, represents two motifs in the play: mistaken identity and things are not what they appear to be. Sebastian is saved by Antonio, a man whose tenderness towards Sebastian turns into love. Sebastian travels to Illyria, not knowing that Viola is alive and living there. Viola and Sebastian look very much alike, and now that Viola is impersonating a boy, they look identical. Sebastian is mistaken for Cesario by Olivia, which gives him two identities. Olivia begs â€Å"Cesario† to marry her and Sebastian seeing that Olivia was pretty and wealthy, accepts her proposal. Sebastian says to himself, â€Å"Yet doth this accident and flood of fortune/ So far exceed all instance, all discourse,/ That I am ready to distrust mine eyes/ And wrangle with my reason that persuades me/ To any other trust but that I am mad-/ Or else the lady’s mad† (155). Sebastian’s situation represents mistaken identity and that things do not appear to be what they seem. Viola’s secret further complicates the plot; now Olivia believes she is married to Cesario who is actually Sebastian. Also this news infuriates Orsino who is in â€Å"love† with Olivia and causes major problems between Orsino and Cesario; Orsino says to Cesario, â€Å"O thou dissembling cub! What wilt thou be/ When time hath sowed a grizzle on thy case? / Or will not else thy craft so quickly grow/ That thine own trip shall be tine overthrow? / Farwell, and take her, but direct thy feet/ Where thou and I henceforth may never meet† (173). Viola is heartbroken by Orsino’s speech because she is genuinely in love with him and she is not the one who married Olivia. Olivia mistaking Sebastian for Cesario, proves that she does not really love Cesario, she is in love with idea of love which is the overriding theme of the play. Identities and disguises are created by secrecy in the play. Viola’s and Sebastian’s true identities are revealed when she finds herself face to face with her brother Sebastian. Malvolio, another character in the play whose identity is lost due to secrecy, regains his identity by the end of of the play. Viola’s necessity for secrecy leads to her choice of keeping the secret for most the play. Her secret complicates the plot, and develops irony and situational comedy throughout the play. Her secret did allow her to achieve her goal of joining Orsino’s court and starting a new life, but her revealing the secret allowed her and Orsino to be together. Viola’s secret contributed to the meaning of the play, that love is not always what it appears to be, sometimes love has two identities. Love can be just falling in love with the idea of the emotion or the real thing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease Celiac disease is a disease found in the small bowel. This disease does not have a cure. It can only be treated with a strict diet. There are four types of celiac, and all but one can be treated. The disease is a genetically inherited associated with the HL4 locus found on the arm of the chromosome six (schaffner,small-bowel and bacterial overgrowth 2006 pg. 99). This disease can cause a lot of problems with a patient if not treated properly. The proper treatment for most individuals is to go on a gluten free diet. A gluten free diet avoids wheat, rye, barley, and sometimes oats.Some symptoms are excessive diarrhea, smelly stools, cramps, and weight loss. The most accurate way to diagnose celiac disease is to do an upper endoscopy on the patient. An endoscopy is a procedure with a tube called a scope and a small camera on the end. The scope goes down the patient’s throat to look at their upper gastric region. A biopsy of jejunal mucosa would be done in the small intestine to send to pathology and determine if the patient has celiac disease. When a patient is on a gluten free diet and their body has not responded to it within two years they call this non-responders.Only five percent of individuals are non-responders. There is also called a refractory sprue this is when someone does not respond to the gluten free diet or has responded and over some time has slipped back and stopped working so the patient has the same symptoms as they did before. There are two types of refractory sprue. Type one is a normal population of intraepithelial lymphocytes. Type two is an premalignant population of intraepithelial lymphocytes based upon clonality analysis of t-cell receptors and immunophenotyping. Type one can never lead to type two, a patient either has one or the other.Type one also has a higher survival rate of a five year study. This disease is a slowly growing disease. Now we find in some areas in the populations that it can be higher than one i n two hundred and fifty people. Celiac disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein gluten. Many individuals will experience an immune reaction to the gluten that is digested. These proteins are mainly found in bread, pasta, and many different foods that contain wheat, barley and rye. Some foods that contain gluten that are over looked are brown rice syrup, energy bars, mitation seafood, processed luncheon meats and many more. When we experience a patient that doesn’t obey the gluten free diet they could do cause damage to the inner surface of the small intestine and not have the ability to absorb certain proteins that the body needs. There are four types of celiac disease. Type one has an increase in T- cell receptor intraepithelial lymphocytes. The symptoms of this type are malnutrition and weight loss with no symptoms of gastrointestinal symptoms. Type two has enlarged crypts along with the intraepithelial lymphocytes.Type one and two are the on ly types that can be treated. Type three is present in all symptomatic patients, but many patients with this lesion are asymptomatic. Type four is irreversible and is found in patients who do not respond to gluten withdrawal and in patients with lymphoma (schaffner,small-bowel and bacterial overgrowth 2006 pg. 100). The one way to diagnose a patient with celiac is to do an upper endoscopy and take a biopsy. To get the most accurate diagnosis is to biopsy the jejunal mucosa in the small intestine. They can also do serologic testing. It tests the IgA antigliadin antibody levels.They mostly use this test to see if the gluten free diet is working. Patients with celiac disease have a higher chance of lymphoproliferative disease and gastrointestinal then the average person. Studies have proven that a person with celiac is more likely to develop other autoimmune disorders like type one diabetes mellitus, and connective tissue disease. Mothers that have not been diagnosed with the disease c ould have low birth weight newborns and preterm birth compared to the mothers that have already been diagnosed with the disease. The treatment for celiac disease is gluten free diet.Gluten is a protein in a variety of foods. Oats have no gluten, but often cause problems for patients. They should limit the amount of oats they consume a day about fifty to sixty grams. The number one rule in this diet is to avoid wheat, rye, and barley completely. Always make sure the label is read on items carefully, they find ways to put gluten in different places. The safe things to eat are fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, and eggs. Almost all foods in grocery stores have foods that have been mixed with gluten containing grains, additives, and preservatives.This makes it hard to find things in grocery stores. Now that this disease has become more noticeable in the communities, patients can find gluten free items in selected grocery stores. With our economy today some patients are unfortunate a nd cannot afford this gluten free food. For example a loaf of bread with gluten cost no more than three dollars, for a gluten free loaf of bread it cost six. This is doubling the prices on food. So I am sure there are organizations out there that will help someone provide food for themselves or for their children.Everyone has to watch out for cross contamination if our bread was cooked in the same baking pan as the gluten free bread was the patient with celiac disease would probably have a reaction to this. This is a very hard diet and it takes a lot of getting use too. If the patient looks at this diet in a positive way it will come easier to them. Approximately seventy percent of patients have noticeable clinical improvement within two weeks (Ciclitira, MD, PhD, FRCPJ; Lamont, MD; Grover, MD MPH; Up to date, 2012 www. uptodate. com).Once a patient reaches remission stage in the diet, some patients are able to consume little amounts of gluten and tolerate it and some have to stay o n the diet from then on. A patient should be evaluated four to six weeks after starting the gluten free diet to have a complete blood count, folate, B12, iron studies, liver chemistries, and serologic testing to see how they are doing and making sure nothing else is wrong. A gluten free diet is the only treatment for celiac disease. So when a patient is a non-responder to the gluten free diet they could be in some danger.This is a rare thing that happens only in five percent are non-responders. Patients who do not respond fall in five categories. * Patients with poor compliance or inadvertent gluten ingestion * Patients with clinical or histologic features that overlap with celiac disease but are caused by other disorders * Patients with concurrent disorders * Patients with refractory sprue * Patients with ulcerative jejunitis or intestinal lymphoma The most common reason for non-responders is poor compliance or inadvertent gluten ingestion. These patients need to go to a specificit y trained dietitian.Patients with concurrent disorders should be considered in patient who despite apparent compliance, continue to have symptoms or do not have histologic improvements. Refractory sprue has two types. Type one is when there is a normal population of intraepithelial lymphocytes. Type two is when there is an aberrant or premalignant population of intraepithelial lymphocytes base upon conality analysis of t-cell receptors. Patients with type one have less severe presentation and a more better prognosis than patients with type two disease. Ciclitira, MD, PhD, FRCPJ; Lamont, MD; Grover, MD MPH; Up to date, 2012 www. uptodate. com ) On a five year study survival was higher in the type one group. In type two most deaths were due to the development of t-cell lymphoma. No patients with type one developed type two, so it doesn’t progress into one another. Refractory sprue can be severe and associate with progressive malabsorption and death (Ciclitira, MD, PhD, FRCPJ; L amont, MD; Grover, MD MPH; Up to date, 2012 www. uptodate. com). The cause of this is unknown.Ulcerative jejunitis and lymphoma should be considered in patients with refractory sprue unresponsive to glucocorticoids (Ciclitira, MD, PhD, FRCPJ; Lamont, MD; Grover, MD MPH; Up to date, 2012 www. uptodate. com). Patient with ulcerative jejunitis have multiple chronic benign appearing ulcers, most frequently in the jejunum. Patients could have recurrent symptoms of malabsorption, lassitude, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever despite being on a gluten free diet this disease is found in middle aged patients with underlying celiac disease. Celiac disease is a digestive condition triggered by consumption of the protein gluten.There is not a cure for this disease but there is a treatment. A gluten free diet is the treatment for this disease. It is a hard and intense diet to stick to. There are many complications that happen to the body when on a gluten free diet. The body doesn’t get enough vitamins and minerals. Gluten is any wheat, rye or barley. Ninety percent of the food that is eaten today has gluten in it at some degree. Very rare does a person not respond to a gluten free diet, they call this non-responders. The disease is a genetically inherited disease associated with the HL4 locus found on the arm of the chromosome six. schaffner,small-bowel and bacterial overgrowth 2006 pg. 99). We should have all of our family checked for this disease if someone in the family has had it. This is a disease this country is starting to see more and more. References Ciclitira, MD, PhD, FRCPJ; Lamont, MD; Grover, MD MPH; Up to date, 2012 www. uptodate. com Greenberger; Blumberg; Burakoff; current diagnosis & treatment;2009; McGraw Hill companies Hauser, MD; pardi, MD; Poterucha MD; mayo clinic gastroenterology and hepatology board review, second edition;2006

Saturday, September 28, 2019

SUNDAY communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SUNDAY communication - Essay Example Before going to the main discussion the study will define the background and business context of the problems faced by to SUNDAY Communications Ltd in recent times in order to provide logical background of this consultancy proposal. Background Information & Literature Review Choi, Lee and Wong (2001) presented the case study named as â€Å"Sunday communications ltd: A marketing strategy for the wireless future† in order to highlight existing challenges faced by the telecommunication company and challenges regarding future plan of the company. In such context, consideration of the research works of Langlois (2003) reveals the fact that it is very difficult to establish identifiable position in a small market place which is pretty much saturated due to presence of competitors. Same is the condition for Sunday communications ltd which was founded in the year 1994 when the Hong Kong telecom market was already dominated by large telecom players like PCCW-HKT, SmarTone Telecommunica tion Holdings Ltd, Hutchison Telecom (HK) Ltd, New World Telephone and Peoples Phone. There is no doubt that Sunday communications ltd was new entrant and none of existing competitors was ready to give free space to the new entrant. . Garbarino and Strahilevitz (2004) and Harris, Jenkins and Glaser (2006) stated that new entrants need to adopt product differentiation strategy in order to establish distinctive brand image in the mind of customers of a small saturated market. Kotler (2000) pointed out that marketers should increase engagement level of customers while offering low engagement products because customers do no spend much time in making purchase decision for low involvement products like telecom network connections, FMCG goods. Therefore, Sunday communications ltd had two challenges, 1- to establish distinctive brand positioning in the mind of customers of Hong Kong and 2- to compete with existing telecom players in the market with the help of product diversification. Comp etitive pressure on Sunday communications ltd has further increased after Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) launched Mobile Number Portability (MNP) during 1999. After launching MNP, existing six telecom operators in Hong Kong started competing on price because in newly launched system, subscribers can switch to other network provider without altering the mobile number. Competitors like PCCW-HKT, SmarTone Telecommunication Holdings Ltd, Hutchison Telecom (HK) Ltd, New World Telephone and Peoples Phone not only stopped in reducing the subscription price to attract customers but they even started offering handsets at minimal price to customers. There is story behind the brand name â€Å"Sunday† which was created by the company in order to portray relaxed and easygoing attitude. Another thing is that the company had the plan to launch the brand internationally therefore they thought that using a universal name would help global customers to connect easily (Choi, Lee and Wong, 2001). Sunday communications ltd used product diversification strategy in order to establish distinctive market positioning. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) service (through mobile Intelligent Network) was speciality of the company while Sunday communications ltd also started offering services like Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), IDD, ISP & portal etc to customers. The company also used aggressive pricing strategy like 24-hour flat subscription rate in order to win the completion. Even, Sunday communications ltd launched SO WAP and ISP (narrow-band dial-up service) which gave users opportunity to access

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Strategy on Ryan Air Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Strategy on Ryan Air - Case Study Example Ryan air is one of Europe's largest low-cost carriers and one of the most successful, operating on 262 routes to 22 countries. Its focus is on providing low cost, efficient, frequent connections and consequently offering no other frills or supporting services on their flights. The changes in the nature of the barriers to entry in the mid - 1980s with the deregulation of the airline industry , as well as the adoption of a strategy which was noticeably different from that pursued by the market leader at the time (Aer Lingus) was a credible means for Ryan air to gain entry into the market. O'Leary, the company's Chief Executive Office, adopted the Southwest Airlines model, established by Herb Kelleher which adhered to the following principles: fly one type of plane to keep down engineering costs every year; turn around aircraft as quickly as possible; and concentrate on selling seats by avoiding loyalty schemes or air miles. The airline took several other steps to restructure its business model. It eliminated business class to concentrate on economy class and leisure customers. It stopped serving free meals and beverages on flights - a move which allowed the airline to reduce the number of attendants on each flight from five to two. It also eliminated seat assignments to speed up boarding and stopped carrying cargo, which reduced aircraft turnaround times from 45 minutes to 25 minutes. There has been a revolutionary increase in the number of low-cost airline which are otherwise called the budget airlines in the aviation industry over the last few years. The budget airlines are usually operators who provide low-cost travel options for the passengers. The budget airlines try and cut the indirect costs to the maximum possible extent. Passengers are not offered wet towels, meals etc. Sometimes it may even happen that they do not even offer water to the passengers flying the budget airlines [(Phillip), 2002]. Internal analysis Revenue Generation is one of the most important aspects that Budget airlines give more importance, to the extent that most of the budget airlines have a position that is unique to this particular industry - "Chief Revenue Officer" (AIR DECCAN) whose sole responsibility is to focus on revenue generation from all possible sources. Unlike the scheduled airlines, they sell the maximum possible space they can. They sell space on the aircrafts in order to give advertisements. They even sell the space on the rear side of the boarding passes (Palanikumar). However, despite of the increase of passengers, the company is not so good in managing cost that the company has lose its money. A new management team is brought in to sort it out and re-launch as a "low fares or no frills" airline, closely modelling the Southwest Airlines model in the U.S. And in 1994, Ryan air bought its first Boeing 737 aircraft which carried over 1.5 million passengers. In 1995, Ryan air is the biggest passenger carrier on Dublin-London route, the largest Irish airline on every route being operate and carried 2.25 million passengers in the year (ivythesis). The main areas which have been the focus of the airline's concentration on costs have been: - Fleet commonality (operates only one type of aircraft, Boeing 737- 200s) - Contracting out of services

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Audit risk analysis of a company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Audit risk analysis of a company - Essay Example This is mainly due to an increase in taxes paid by the company. The Group might have been induced to manipulate the taxes because previous tax losses available for claim might be expiring this year. Exceptional items were more than the current year in the previous year, yet there was no taxation charge in the previous year (Scapa Group, 2013a). The calculation of the tax over the exceptional items has to be checked in detail. The operating profits increased by 14 % and the tax charge on them increased by 32%. The application of the new (changed) tax rate over the profits has to be reviewed. Classification of the exceptional items is also of high risk. The rationale for such classification of exceptional items has to be inquired for. Scapa has disposed off one of its subsidiaries and faced pressures from European side (Scapa Group, 2013b). In order to present a better picture, Scapa might have engaged in showing a better Trading profit to Revenue ratio. This ratio is 6.5%, which is 1.1% better than the previous year ratio. Had exceptional items been included in trading profit, the ratio would have come down to 6% showing just 0.5 % improvements with respect to previous year ratio. Other Receivables have decreased by 98.5 % from $19.6 mn to $0.3 mn. This variation is mainly because of the re-classification of the assets of the Georgia subsidiary (Scapa Group, 2013c). This amount pertained to the insurance claim. The status of the claim and its valuation is a critical matter. It might be possible that a claim might have decreased, but it is transferred at the amount of the opening balance. Moreover, this liability is discounted at risk free interest rate of 3.35% (Scapa Group, 2013d). The assumption on the basis of which this rate is taken has to be reviewed. Change in rate may change the valuation of the insurance claim. Secondly, the discounted asset has not been unwound by the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Adam Smith's Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Adam Smith's Theory - Research Paper Example Born in 1723 and died in 1790, Smith left a legacy in his model Wealth of Nations that has been an influential contribution in economics. In brief, the theory identifies the basic principles that nation acquire wealth and function effectively when individuals use capital and proficiency at their own diplomacy. His model revealed the nature of country’s prosperity as many learn the principles of economics. Up-to-date, his arguments are used and cited in debates as many learn from his great insights. Nevertheless, some people disagree with his assumption as many view him as an activist of callous individualism. Regardless of the way he is viewed, his theory is paramount in the economics field. How the economy does stem from his theory and importantly economists assume that the theory is accurate in how the world’s economy operates. At this point, this paper seeks to analyze the theory and lay a discussion of its pros and cons. Wealth of Nations In his theory wealth of nat ion, Smith noted that wages and prices might reach optimal level when freedom of using capital and skills as per wish is imposed (Smith, In Cannan & Lerner, 1937). He taught by examples of new products, which he argued that, when invented prices are usually high until when others discover the profit potential, and join the field then prices go down. Indeed this can be outlined in today’s electronics where such scenarios take place. ... According to O'Rourke and Smith (2007), the theory explored that there cannot be consumption if there is no production. To explain further, Smith’s theory affirmed cars do not just exist there is a process through which they are put together in production to manufacture cars. Similarly, capitalism works in this way in the sense that when a car is manufactured, those in need of a car search for it in the car factory and purchase as per their choice of the car. In the 21st Century, people do not just walk in the car factory and request to purchase the car but they are purchased by a dealership and later sold to clients. The main point that Smith wanted to highlight is that, one can break capitalism in two parts consumption and production. In this case, there cannot be consumption without production and vice versa. Applicability This law is applicable in today’s society in that one cannot purchase products at the market without being manufactured and supplied by a differen t party. Still, one cannot eat without preparing or acquiring food and cannot be in a house that has not been constructed. From his theory, Smith assumed that the market force ensured there is right invention of goods and services. The theorist based his idea on the aspect of free market economy whereby consumers have the free will to choose what they need. Smith perceived capitalism as the main aspect, which drives, and motivate the economy. He believed that it motivates companies and individuals to gain and accumulate profits. To support his argument, Smith developed two theories through a research on production in Europe during industrial revolution. The two theories are moral sentiments and wealth of nations, which

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Final project - brief therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Final project - brief therapy - Essay Example PsycINFO: PsycINFO , from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains nearly 2.4 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the 1800s. 98 percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed. Journal coverage, which spans 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,200 periodicals in more than 27 languages. PsycARTICLES : PsycARTICLES, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. The database contains more than 100,000 articles from 59 journals - 48 published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and 11 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to present. The researcher searched for full text materials on Brief Therapy and 536 matches came out. The first three matches that came out spoke of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). On reading the first article, the researcher got interested in this area of Brief therapy and decided to limit research to SFBT. Using the keywords Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, 92 matches came out. The researcher selected articles on the general application of SFBT to younger clients of therapy, and that meant children and youth. Upon reading the above-mentioned articles, the researcher got to understand the philosophy and concepts behind Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, and its promising contributions to the field of Brief Therapy. The authors claim that literature on SFBT is growing, as more and more counselors are vouching for its effectiveness as a short-term therapy program. Such claims and the foundations from which it spring forth shall be discussed in further detail in Part 2 of this

Monday, September 23, 2019

ACADEMIC CULTURE & VALUES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ACADEMIC CULTURE & VALUES - Essay Example In as much as it remains a common language among various countries English has various advantages and disadvantages. English taking on the role of world language has various advantages, to start with is the uniformity is accords to reference. It is language, which maintains its originality due to stringent rules guiding its usage ( Ammon 2003, p 63). Recently the Australia based organizations acquired it to facilitate free trade among the 13 member countries. English further ensures a free communication among member countries across borders, as it remains a simple language to learn and consequently, a global language known by many people. Technological advancements in the current world get help from English as a world language. Computer advancement for instance has programme software’s in English as other languages seem are difficult to understand and learn. This makes English the only language, which can be beneficial to the whole world and accepted by every country. In as much as English is not a common language for everybody using the internet it has remained a common and unifying language to all people. Further English has an advantage of taking the worlds language from the context that all world media fraternities apart from internet use English. This includes world television networks including CNN and Aljazira. In addition, other field such as medication prints instructions through English as well as giving medication guidelines using English. In the field of business, English still forms a key communication medium at air traffic controls including airports and airplanes. This makes English an international language with many advantages as it forms a common medium of communication (Kirkpatrick 2007, p 16). Apart from facilitating communication around the world, English has done a lot of harm to the world. To start with is the fact that it has made other languages disappear and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Evolution of Communication in the Technology-Focused World Essay

The Evolution of Communication in the Technology-Focused World - Essay Example Current issues are discussed, such as how ‘sexting’ represents a dilemma for public officials, and why it’s important to select complex, hard-to-guess passwords for important online accounts. In all, the paper presents a concise look at a few of the many areas affected by the rapid adoption of technology as a means of communication, and what it will ultimately mean for the duties performed by public officials. Keywords: communication, technology, criminal justice, public sector The Evolution of Communication as the World Becomes More Technology-Focused ‘Communication,’ as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is â€Å"the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.† The methods by which such conveyances are made have been widely divergent through time. Whereas in the distant past, the dominant mode of communication might have entailed making gestures combined with short words or phrases to make one’s intentions known, the advent of the modern technological era has spawned an entirely new set of paradigms. The rapid rise in the speed and breadth of global communications enabled by technology has given rise to a number of descriptive labels. Industry expert Manuel Castells, a professor and Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication Technology and Society at the University of Southern California, has dubbed the era as, ‘the network society’ (Castells, 2010). He postulates, â€Å"I contend that around the end of the second millennium of the common era a number of major social, technological, economic and cultural came together to give rise to a new form of society† (p. xvii). The referred to paradigm shift in communication is cited by Castells as creating a â€Å"shift from traditional mass media to a system of horizontal communication networks organized around the Internet and wireless communication† (p. xviii). Adopting a cautionary tone, he notes that a fundamental cultural tra nsformation has taken place, based on digital information processing, that has engendered a â€Å"generational divide† between persons born before 1969, which he marks as the ‘Internet Age’ and those thereafter. While wholesale changes to longstanding global societal structures have doubtlessly created a sense of disorientation among some, the ability to instantly communicate has brought about many improvements worldwide. In the critical area of health care, communication technology has enabled unprecedented levels of access to information on diseases and treatments, which are instantly accessible over Internet-based protocols. Innovations such as Web-based medical collaborations, wherein practitioners in different geographical locations can share data from a single clinical record, have become a vital part of the treatment process (Sands, 2008). Advances in communication technology have completely reorganized the traditional business model. Whereas once only the larger corporate structures had the wherewithal to distribute goods and services worldwide, global access is now easily accessible to even small proprietors.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The characters of the King and the Duke are most likely the most important after Huck and Jim in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. These two men come into Hucks story in chapter nineteen when he leaves the Grangerfords, a family who is fighting a continuous and everlasting war against their neighbors, the Shepherdsons. Huck sees the King and the Duke being chased by some dogs, and he decides to take them aboard the raft, which Huck and Jim are using to travel down the Mississippi River. Huck eventually realizes that the two men that he helped are con artists. Towards the end of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the two phonies are tarred and feathered by a mob who was finally able to catch them. The punishment of the Duke and the King was suitable because the scams they performed were sickening, and they obviously were not bothered by what they did. Mark Twain shows his disrespect for the two imposters through Hucks first impression of them, and how he reacts to the small scams they carry out. The appearance of the King and the Duke is negative from the moment he sees them. His impression of the King is that He had an old battered-up slouch hat on, and a greasy blue woolen shirt, and ragged old blue jeans britches stuffed into his boot-tops, and home-knit galluses? no, he only had one. He had an old long-tailed blue jeans coat with slick brass buttons flung over his arm, and both of them had big, fat, ratty-looking carpet bags. (Page 120) This impression The two of them go on to make up stories how one is actually the Duke of Bridgewater and that the other is the rightful King of France. Huck later comments that It didnt take me long to make up my mind that these liars warnt no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. (Page 125) The next day, the Duke and the King go into the town of Pokesville, where they go to a town meeting in the woods. The King tells the people at the meeting that he is an ex-pirate of the Indian Ocean who has found his true path and wants to dedicate his life to converting other pirates to this true path of life. Everyone cries for him, and he ends up collecting $87. 75 for this scam and a jug of whiskey. Another time, the Duke decides to perform a low comedy to the people of Pokesville called the Royal Nonesuch. At the bottom of the handbill, it says that women and children are not admitted, in attempt to get a large group of men to come. The people feel cheated because the Duke and the King only act a small skit and then leave. The following two nights, the show is sold out but on the third night, Huck realizes that the crowd has rotten eggs and cabbages stuffed in their pockets. He tells the Duke and the King, and they are able to escape with a total of 465 dollars. At supper, the king and the duke fairly laughed their bones loose over the way theyd served them people. (Page 152) The scams that the two frauds performed showed how low-down and rotten they actually were. Huck is hurt by the following two greedy cons that the King and the Duke pull off. The first was one where they found out that a man named Peter Wilks had died and they pretended to be his long lost brothers in order to steal the inheritance from the three Wilks daughters. They actually stooped this low just to gain some money. They only thought of themselves without even considering future of the girls who were relying on them to take them back to England and care for them. Obviously, the plan of the King and the Duke was that once they collected enough money, they would just abandon the three, orphan sisters. This was the reason that their plan failed. Once they received six thousand dollars in gold, they wanted to stay longer to make more money. Eventually, the real brothers of Peter Wilks came, and everyone realized that the King and the Duke were just impostors. Mark Twain showed his disgust for these men through Huck when he said, It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race. (Page 162) Another instance in which the Duke and the King displayed their gluttony was when they sold Jim to Mr. Phelps in order to make forty dollars. Even after Huck and Jim had done so much to help the crooks, they stabbed them in the back. Then, Huck found out that they were going to the bar with the money they made from every scam and that they were getting drunk. This crushes Huck especially because he is so emotional and has such strong morals. After all this long journey, and after all wed done for them scoundrels, here it was all come to nothing, everything all busted up and ruined, because they could have the heart to serve Jim such a trick as that, and make him a slave again all his life, and amongst strangers, too, for forty dirty dollars. (Page 211) The reader really sees for the first time with the Wilks scam and what the Duke and the King did to Jim how dishonest they really are. The ending of the Duke and the King was appropriate because they were such horrible people. All the cons that they pulled off were more than enough for them to deserve a tar and feathering even though Huck did not believe so. Well, it made me sick to see it; and I was sorry for them poor pitiful rascals, it seemed like I couldnt ever feel any hardness against them any more in the world. (Page 230) The King and the Duke had outraged every town in which they performed a scam. They had to run from the people and dogs following them before Huck and Jim helped them, after the Royal Nonesuch, they had to flee from the mob, and the mob at the town where they tried to rip off the Wilks, they were almost lynched. If they felt that they were brave enough to try to scam all those towns, they must have known that they would have to face the punishment if they were finally caught. The Duke and the King deserved what they got because they cared for no one but themselves. The tar and feathering that the con artists received was a reasonable punishment because they were so greedy, and in their actions they showed that they had no morals or conscience. What was even worse was that they used the money that they stole poorly. They went and wasted it all every time just to get drunk. They were also the reason for slowing down Huck and Jims adventure down the Mississippi River because they were forced to stay with the King and the Duke. The characters of the King and the Duke were despicable and self-absorbed.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Crisis And Issues Faced By Toyota Business Essay

Crisis And Issues Faced By Toyota Business Essay This group project analyses the crisis and issues faced by Toyota Motor Corporation in late 2009 due to reports citing sudden unintended acceleration because incorrect floor mat placing and faulty accelerator that saw 9 million of their vehicles recalled worldwide. With these factors, we will look at what started the crisis and how it could have been prevented and solved. We will also put in a few of our recommendations that may help the crisis from happening again. COMPANY INTRODUCTION In 1933, being a division of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works was when Toyota started. The founder of Toyota was Kiichiro Toyoda, the son of Sakichi Toyoda. Under Kiichiro Toyoda, Toyota focused mostly on the production of automobiles. In his travels to Europe and the United States in 1929, Kiichiro Toyoda investigated various automobile production and begun his research on gasoline-powered engines in 1930. With the encouragement of the Japanese government, Toyodo Automatic Loom Works started to research and develop automobile production in hopes to increase sales of domestic cars. Toyota Motor Corporation was established as an independent and separate company in 1937. Toyota was committed to truck production for the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. The trucks had a simple design such has having one headlight in the middle of the hood. Today, Toyota is the seventh largest company in the world with production facilities in 28 nations around the world. Worldwide, it is also the second largest manufacturer of automobiles. In June 2006, Toyota had 52 overseas manufacturing companies in 27 countries outside Japan. Toyota markets vehicles in more than 170 countries and regions. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The type of organizational structure adopted by Toyota Motors Corporation is divisional structure. Divisional Structure is made up of separate business units or divisions. Each of the divisions has a division manager who has authority over the unit and is responsible for performance. DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Toyotas organizational structure is divided into four levels namely the Chairman, President, Executive Vice President and Senior Managing Directors Toyota Motors Corporation is headed by Fujio Cho, the Chairman of the Company. The President, Akio Toyoda, reports directly to the Chairman and has authority over the executive vice president. Each of the Executive Vice Presidents has different areas of responsibilities and has authority over their senior managing directors. These senior managing director report directly to the Executive Vice Presidents. Executive Vice President, Yukitoshi Funo is responsible for the operation in Asia, Oceania, Middle East, Africa and Latin America with the help of Senior Managing Director, Akira Okabe who is the chief officer (division manager). Executive Vice President, Atsushi Nilmi assumes responsibility over strategic production planning, production engineering and manufacturing. He oversees the operation in North America and China with the help of Akira Sasaki, Senior Managing Director, who is the chief officer (division manager) for the China operation group. Yoshimi Inaba is the Chief Officer for the North America operation group. Satoshi Ozawa will assume responsibility over Operation in Europe with the help of Senior Managing director, Yoshimasa Ishii who is the chief officer for the Europe Operation group. The organizational structure adopted by Toyota is relevant to the organization. As Toyota focus is very much on quality, dependability and value, the organizational structure of Toyota has enabled it to focus on both result and quality. The organizational structure also allows the headquarter staff to focus on long term strategic planning and improvement to product. DIAGRAM ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE COMPANY CULTURE One of Toyotas culture is outcome orientation. The organization has â€Å"strong beliefs in quality, dependability and value†which brings about the second culture of attention to detail. The organization depicts attention to detail by adopting â€Å"standardization of work in the manufacturing process. As the manufacturing processes are standardized, Toyota was able to focus their attention on the detail which helps to ensure quality.† 4This is in line with Toyotas culture of outcome orientation. The third culture is team orientation. â€Å"Toyota organized its workforce into teams and each team member is responsible for quality inspection, problem solving and generating ideas†4 for continuous improvement. The last culture of Toyota is innovation and risk taking. Throughout Toyotas history, the company has come out many types of motor vehicle. As the company involves itself in a certain level of risk taking, it has become one of the leading creators of motor vehicle. However, some of the Toyotas culture may be responsible for the crisis that happens in 2009. Because of standardization of work, the process of manufacturing gets repeated over and over again, making the job seem boring. This will cause the worker to lose concentration which resulted in a lapse of quality. The culture of continuous improvement may also have caused the crisis. As the company focuses on continuous improvement, they try out new ideas that have not been fully explored. For example to make a thing a certain way to improve the vehicle further, however, they fail to see that the improvement made to the vehicle might cause a problem. For this instance, the improper installation of the floor mat that result in the accelerator getting stuck and causing tragedy. In conclusion, Toyota still has a strong culture which has enable the company to become one of the most reputable companies for quality. THE CRISIS In late 2009, Toyota Motor Corporation saw 9 million of their vehicles recalled due to reports that several vehicles experienced unintended acceleration. The sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) was the main crisis that Toyota faced; causing a chain of reaction that resulted in a series of other problems. Sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) occurs when the vehicle accelerates from a stationary position without the drivers intention or control. The reasons for it happening vary from driver error to faulty car parts. However, in Toyotas case, it was assumed that due to a trapped accelerator pedal when the drivers floor mat was incorrectly placed that caused the SUA. This assumption initiated the first recall on 2 November 2009. 5.2 million vehicles were affected. It was later found that a mechanical sticking of the accelerator pedal caused the unintended acceleration. Another 2.3 million vehicles were recalled for that problem. 1.8 million vehicles were found to have both the problems and were promptly recalled as well. In February 2010, a recall was also made for the hybrid anti-lock brake software. Although this was a recall different from the initial incorrect placement of the floor mat, it affected Toyotas image and brand name worldwide. With the economic downturn in 2009, Toyota faced a further financial problem with the recalls of the faulty vehicles. This resulted in the numerous jobs lost and shares plummeting in value by 15%. On 28 August 2009, Mark Saylor, an off-duty California Highway Patrol Officer, was driving on the highway with his family when his car, a Lexus ES350 unexpectedly accelerated without control. Upon collision with another car, it descended down an embankment and caught fire. One of the passengers called 911 while the car was speeding at over 100mph, reporting that the car has â€Å"no brakes†. All four were killed in the crash. Reports from Toyota and local authorities showed that the Lexus may have the wrong floor mats installed, causing it to meddle with the gas pedal. (†¦/index.html) Further complaints stated that other several vehicles also experienced the SUA. Reports showed that these vehicles had a defect acceleration pedal. The vehicles affected were the Prius, Prius Plug in, Sei and Lexus HS 250h. Following the reports of faulty vehicles, falling consumer confidence on the Toyota brand and the fact that Toyota was trying to recover from the economic crisis of 2009, the company faced declining sales and decided on the suspension of sales for models of the affected cars and closed down six factories. This resulted in the loss of more than 6000 jobs. PROBLEMS LEADING TO THE CRISIS It has been suggested that due to Toyotas rapid growth and need to be the top between year 2000 and 2009, was the root problem that lead to the faulty vehicles and subsequently, the recall. The rapid growth and building of 17 new production sites as well as the over reliance on technology caused Toyota to forgo quality checks for some of their cars. Managers must aware of fast technology like equipment, tools or operating method that are designed to make work more efficient. Wakatsuki, a former assembly worker related how Toyota tested the safety and quality of only 60% of the cars produced. In the past, every car went through stringent checks and testing. Toyota didnt look into customer complaints and acted too slow when safety complaints came in. There were suspicions that Toyota knew about the faulty vehicles as early as September 2009, however, they only acted on the problems in January 2010. The organization should demonstrate Social Responsible Actions. There are the Social Responsibility, Social Obligation and Social Responsiveness. Social responsibility mean if the corporation must admit the mistake if they done something wrong. Such as milk powder that was sold by China. As it added Melamine in the milk powder. ALTERNATIVESTO RESOLVE CRISIS The main crisis was faulty acceleration pedals. Toyota decided that the best way to rectify the problem was to have the faulty vehicles recalled for repairs and proper checking. However, the decision to recall was not made immediately when there were early reports about the problem. There were reports stating that Toyota knew of the problems in September 2009 although the recall was only initiated on January 2010. While we agree that the recall was a good solution, it would have been better for Toyota to tackle the faulty vehicles the moment complaints started coming in. The company should not have tried to hide the reports in order to save their branding. Rectifying the problem immediately would have definitely prevented further problems and possible accidents. It would have also restored consumer confidence knowing that Toyota was prompt in reporting a problem with the cars and had plans to fix the problem. It was good to know that Toyota suspended sales and productions of the vehicle models that were suspected to be faulty, preventing more complaints and declining consumer confidence. Toyota admitted that for the past few years, they have been expanding its business rapidly and this growth has proven to be too quick for them. They may have over looked the priority of safety, quality and volume. All these according to Toyota have made them become confused. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS Although Toyota were eager to expand their business and grow their production, its critical that they keep their quality and safety in check. To meet the growing demand of their cars, Toyota might choose to open a plant in a country that allows the company to save costs on production and manpower. However, they have to ensure that qualified and skilled technicians are recruited to affirm that the cars produced are of good quality and safe for driving. â€Å"The corporation must adopt Single-use Plan during this critical time. This is a one-time plan which specifically designed to meet the needs of a unique situation.† Toyota may rely on new technology to help with the production of the vehicles. Although it may be cost efficient, it may not always be the best choice. Over reliance on technology was what caused the faulty acceleration pedals as Toyota took for granted the safety of the cars. Technicians would have done proper testing and safety checks have been done prior to the sale of the vehicle. There might have been some oversight by the checks done by machines. Manually checking of the vehicles would ensure that nothing is out of place. As the company is steadily growing, it should not forsake the employees welfare and health. Should employees be overworked, especially those in the production line, human errors may occur that will compromise on the quality of the car. With the recalls, technicians will be kept busy with repairs on the numerous vehicles. Overworked, fatigue will set in causing occasional human errors that may have been avoidable. Managers need to ensure that employees are given the right amount of work load and clearly explain the expectations needed for the work. Managers should also arrange a discussion with the non-managerial employees for their feedback on their work load. Should the work load be too much for the technicians to handle, Toyota can look into employing workers on a contract basis. This allows the work load to be divided equally and when things are under control, the contract staff will be relieved of their duties. Toyota should have Family-Friendly Benefits that provide a wide range of scheduling that allow employees more flexibility at work and accommodation theirs needs for work and life balance. The various teams in Toyota should practice better interaction. This way, problems faced in one team can be shared and discussed to maximize on the plans to face the problems. Toyota should also make it a point not to have any secrets or hidden agenda between teams and realize that the different teams are working towards a common goal: making Toyota a successful company. Manager needs to know the Parochialism. Managers only see things through their own eyes and from their own perspective. Different countries have different values, morals, customs, political and economic systems and laws. All these can affect the managing of the business. If a team faces consumer complaints, they must be quick to address it and not hide from the upper management and other teams. This is to prevent the problem from escalating and turning it to another crisis. This is known as Social Responsibility. When the vehicle model is a success to the consumers, the company should reward the employees for the work done. The rewards can be in monetary forms or organizing activities such as sewing classes, sports activities or a short holiday trip. This not only allows employees to distress, it also enables bonding. The recognition of good work will motivate the employees to strive harder in their job to give their best for the company. This is known as Social Responsiveness. Managers of Toyota should set Goals and develop Plans. The Traditional Goals were set by top managers and flow down through the organization and become sub-goals for each organizational area. And it must be a short-term plan with a time frame of one year to solve the crisis.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Perspective on Group Project for Mont Blanc Essay example -- group pro

The Genesis of "Reading Mont Blanc" The project entitled "Reading Mont Blanc" began as a faint wisp of an idea while my group and I were browsing the hypertext in search of other topics. Happening upon the wonderful maps and illustrations of Wordsworth's travels through France and Switzerland, one member remarked that perhaps we could make use of these in some manner. Then, as the various images of Mont Blanc passed before our eyes -- some picturesque and others clearly sublime -- we wondered if these could not somehow frame an exploration of how nature was conceived and presented by the various travel writers, 'grand tourists', and (of course) poets of the Romantic era. Our decision to focus on a single natural phenomenon, namely Mont Blanc, allowed us a certain amount of 'experimental control' in assessing the potential disparities in perception between our three 'subject groups.' It is of course only in retrospect that one can reduce an epiphany to such rigid, lifeless terms. Initially we considered designing a poster whereon the pyramidal contours of Mont Blanc could serve as a sort of hierarchical frame in which to organize the various impressions according to their sublime or transcendent qualities. I believe we expected Shelley's "Mont Blanc" to rise to the top. Had any of one of us been particularly adept with scissors and coloured paper, our presentation might have taken this rather more delimiting turn. As it was, we decided to acquaint ourselves with the literature and artistic renderings of Mont Blanc before determining the format of our project. A book of aerial photography of the Alps convinced us that in order to convey the colossal grandeur of Mont Blanc to a group of people who had likely never seen it befor... ...ce moments in which to engage Mont Blanc (as text) on a personal level. I was pleased to read in the responses we received that students were indeed reminded by our presentation of their own experiences with the sublime in nature. Music has the potential I think, more so than literature, to raise that which lies buried in the mind and to forge imaginative connections between distant conceptual poles. Ultimately I think we learned that Mont Blanc cannot mean one thing; its impact on the beholder cannot be distilled into generic emotive states. Although themes of wonder and awe recur in many of the descriptions of Mont Blanc, such fleeting reactions are but shadowy apprehensions of the potential evocative force of this vista. It is through the mediation of the beholder's own imaginative faculties that s/he vivifies nature or, rather, apprehends its vivifying power.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Anselm Kiefer :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Anselm Kiefer was born in Donaueschingen, Germany on March 8, 1945. In later years he became one of the most prominent figures in the Neo-Expressionist art movement. He studied law at the University of Freiburg until 1966. In 1966 he became an artist and was a student of Joseph Beuys who is another German artist (Safra pg.139).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the painting March Heath Kiefer uses a variety of color. However the color’s that are used are dark colors and earth tone color. The center of this painting is the road that vanishes into the background. It is obvious that Kiefer wanted this to be the main object of the painting. Where the road vanishes is in the center also. However Kiefer does not tell us where the road leads. At the bottom of the painting the German words â€Å"Markische Heid† are painted with black ink. The black ink causes the phrase to get the viewers attention. After reading Anselm Kiefer by Mark Rosenthal I learned that March Heath belongs to the Brandenburg region, located in East Germany (Rosenthal pg.35). The Brandenburg region played a very important role to the Persian Empire during the seventeenth century. With this region being so important it was frequently fought over (Rosenthal pg.35). The road looks heavily traveled because of the ruts where the grass is dead an d has turned into a dirt path. Each side of the path is painted with very little detail. Yes you can tell that it is a field and you can see some plants but it is not as easily noticed as the path. On the right side of the path there is a group of trees, but three are only seen. Rosenthal says â€Å"that the trees are birch trees, and they establish a Fontane-like context of nature resplendent, waiting to be enjoyed in peaceful contemplation (Rosenthal pg 35).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another painting by Kiefer is Deutschlands Geistesbelden or in English Germany’s Spiritual Heroes. He uses bi-lateral symmetry. Each side of the hallway has the same amount of support beams and a large dish filled with some type of kerosene or oil that is burning on each beam. Under each candle there is a name written in black paint, and maybe these are the German Spiritual Heroes. The flaming dishes run all the way down the hallway and it leads to a door. The door that the hallway leads to is the center of the painting.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ramses II’s Victory

The victory of Ramses II over the Khita’s was probably one of the greatest stories of Egyptian literary works on war that had survived thousands of years to convey to us, the present generation, the underlying truths on how the centuries-past generations of Egyptians had regarded their Pharaohs: as a leader, a warrior, a general, and a man-god. WAR The poem starts with the king of Khita, together with his enormous armies and chariots, laid in wait for an ambush on the Egyptian Pharaoh. He had his armies divide into two groups, the first initiated a surprise attack on the Legion of Hormakhu, south of Kadesh, and successfully annihilated the Egyptian armies in that town who were not expecting such an attack (Halshall, 1998). Upon being informed of the tragedy that befell his troops, Ramses II quickly readied himself for war, donning his weapons and armors, and galloping on his majestic horses. But soon he found himself in the middle of the Hittite army; completely surrounded and alone, in an impossible battle between 2,500 chariots against one (Halshall, 1998). Due perhaps to his imminent defeat and utter helplessness, the Pharaoh-god called upon his deceased father for help. Enumerating the many glorious monuments, temples, shrines, and sacrificial offerings he had made for the glory of the deceased former god/Pharaoh Ammon, his father (Poem of Pentaur, 2003). And behold! Ammon had heard his cry from the temple of Hermonthis and had come for his beloved son for help. With strength as the sun-god Ra, and arms as strong as hundreds of thousands of men, Ammon found grace in Ramses II’s valor and bravery, and allowed for Ramses II to use Ammon’s god-strength in defeating the Hittites. And when Ramses II, alone except for his charioteer, Menna, finally assaulted the 2,500 strong enemy, the entire Khita army, together with their king, were stunned, frozen with fea r, unable to wield their sword and spear, for Ramses II fought with the spirit of a god. And when the day had come to pass, Egypt’s Pharaoh was able to slay each and every army of the Khita. No one was able to escape alive, each and everyone was fell by the Pharaoh. Propagandistic Element The Battle of Kadesh, as written by the ancient Egyptian authorities during Ramses’ reign, was a literature made for propagandistic purpose. Perhaps the ruler’s aim, other than for the citizens’ assertion of their belief of the Pharaoh as a god-man, was also to use this as a psychological tool on other nations against planning an invasion against Egypt. These types of exploits of Egypt’s Pharaohs being engraved on the walls of temples further amplify the effect of invincibility and immortality of the rulers of Egypt, by making it as a monument for all nations to see. Such is the case in one of the walls (Fig. 1. 1) where Egyptian chariotry is engaged in a battle between Hittite foot soldiers, when in actuality based on facts, it had been Hittites’ tradition to do battle using chariots (Battle of Kadesh, 2003). Thus, using politics in asserting control and obedience over the populace, as well as in warfare, rulers of ancient kingdoms often relied on exaggerated literature on war-victories as a means in achieving these. In the modern history, we have witnessed similar propagandistic methods used by governments, usually in defense of its purpose in declaring war: Hitler’s Arian race ideology, Marx’s and Lenin’s Russian Proletariat Revolution, the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and so forth. Almost always, the adage that goes, the victors write history, is appropriate.

Monday, September 16, 2019

History of English Literature Essay

   1.What role does the mead-hall play in Anglo-Saxon warrior culture? What is the proper relationship between a lord and his warriors? What examples can you find throughout Beowulf? 2.What is the role of women in the heroic culture of Beowulf? 3.Compare/contrast what constitutes a hero or the notion of heroism in the Old English and Middle English periods. Draw your examples from two texts: either Beowulf OR The Dream of the Rood 4.Drawing your examples from Beowulf and one Middle English work, compare/contrast the roles assigned to women in literature of the Old and Middle English periods. 5.Analyze the different ways in which English Renaissance poets contributed to or responded to the Petrarchan tradition of love poetry. 6.In what ways does the idea of the court and the life of the courtier affect Renaissance English literature? Identify poems or works in which court life is represented or commented upon and explain how those texts reflect Renaissance attitudes toward court life. 7.The concept of meditation in Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey 8.The credibility of Pip’s character in Dickens’s Great Expectations 9.Discuss the Social critique in Dickens’s Great Expectations 10.Discus the concept of being a gentleman in Dickens’s Great Expectations 11.Ddiscuss the Reality and symbolism in Hopkins’s poetry 12.Discuss the concept of purity in Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles 13.Discuss Christianity and paganism pl in Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles 14.Discuss the symbolism of darkness and light in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness 15.Discuss the elements of postmodernism in British Contemporary Poems (take example from british contemporary writer) 16.Discuss the element of Romanticism in William Wordsworth’s Poems 17.Discuss The influence of Japanese Poetry in Modern Poetry by Ezra Pound 18.Discuss the portrayal of ideal women in Victorian Novel written by Women writers. 19.How did French Poetry influence the development of modern English Poetry? 20.Discuss various aspect of modernism in James Joyce’ Ulllyses† 21.Compare different attitude to war presented by the Poets William Butler Yeats, Sigfried Sassoon, and Wilfrid Owen in their poems. 22.How did Freud’s theory on human psyce influence the work of moden writer? Provide examples! 23.How did Asian Poetry influence the works of early modernist poets Eezra Pound and Richard Aldington?

Sunday, September 15, 2019

New York Police Department Recruitment and Challenges

Thesis StatementSome of this is funny†¦most of it, if accurate, is outrageous. While some of the latter is verifiable, it is difficult to sort out just how much is simply sour grapes and whining because 40 miles to the East, Suffolk Country MOS have a huge contract. New York Police Department cannot get enough applicants to give a test for Police officers 88% of Port Authority Police Department Academy graduates are from New York Police Department cops, 50% of a new class of NYFD class are from New York Police Department. (Lung Worthy et al, 1986).IntroductionThe New York City Police (NYPD) has over the last years been known to be the largest municipal police force in the world with a vital primary responsibility to enforce the law and carry out investigations within the five boroughs of the New York City, which include Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester etc. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000).NYPD is dedicated to work towards enhancing the quality of life in the city by working in accordance to the constitution. This is achieved through its mission statement, which is â€Å"Enforce the law, preserve the peace, reduce fear and provide for a safe environment†. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000). This in result entails to preventing fear and responding to crime.In the United States, NYPD is considered as being the first modern style police department being an array of specialized services. It is contracted and dedicated to offering expertise in technical operations, K-9, diving or marine skills, aviation or helicopter skills, bomb disposal technology, counterterrorism technology, intelligence skills, antigang techniques, narcotics detection, public transportation, control and public housing. The NYPD has extensive crime scene investigations and laboratory resources while not also overlooking their units, which assist with computer crime investigations. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000)Recruitment Requirements for NYPDTo pace afoot into the NYPD academy, the following requirements ar e a prerequisite: one must be an United States citizen at the time of application; one must possess a valid high school diploma or an educational equivalent; one must have successfully completed either sixty (60) college credits from a credible college or a university with at least 2.0 GPA or two (2) years full time United States Military Service. (Reaves, Brian A., 1996).However, one could achieve the above qualifications yet be disqualified for admission because of the following factors: – One may have been convicted of an offence, which indicates lack of good moral character, or disposition towards violence or disorder or which is punishable by one or more years of imprisonment; one may have undergone repeated convictions of an offence, which indicates disrespect of the law; one may have been discharged from an employment as a result of poor behavior or inability to adjust to discipline; one may have been discharged in a dishonorable manner from the military service; one m ay have been convicted of an offence for domestic violence misdemeanor; and lastly, one may have been convicted for committing a felony. (Lung Worthy et al, 1986).A Practical SituationDespite all these requirements and all the theoretical expectations from these special, well-trained and skilled cops a great problem looms in their working circumstances. For any person to work there is always expectations of commensurate benefits from the field of occupation necessary for the daily upkeep of the individual and dependants. The standard of life should also have a direct relationship with the rightful inputs of an individual to the workplace.Future progress should also be projected by the current occupation performance and renumeration. Other workplace related benefits are also very crucial determinants of an employee wellbeing and welfare. All these issues if not properly addressed, will lead to decreased morale, decreased output and poor performance and ultimately high degree of emplo yees’ dropout leading to high turnovers.This is the critical condition facing the NYPD. In 2005, there was a state arbitration and a panel of judges’ decree covering a contract negotiation between NYPD representatives and state representatives, which came up with a pay decrease for new officers. The new outcomes have been discussed here: – On admission, a new hire during training is supposed to earn $25,100 per year. This continues for the next six (6) months. On the completion of the Police Academy, the respective individual becomes entitled to an annual salary increase up to $32,700. To explain this, the state argues that the salaries were adjusted as a result of inflation. In practice these figures are far much low below the living standards of an employed person and they happen to be the lowest pay levels in history for rookie NYPD cops.This was a wrong decision by the jurisdiction of lowering the starting pay for new officers at such a time that the officer s are most impressionable and this act seems particularly unwise to majority of the people. The salary plunge is blamed on state arbitrator and is seen as a bad public policy to reduce the starting salary. The union officers argued that the city first suggested lower starting salaries to fund the pay raises and arbitration was taken to because the city refused to negotiate across the table. The conventional wisdom when applied tends to purport an inverse relationship between salary and corruption as witnessed in the jurisdiction such as New Orleans. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000).The issue at hand is very crucial towards motivation of workers. A person of proper orientation cannot even dream or think about joining this career, which is devoid of motivation considering that there exists a high degree of risk in this profession. The situation is further compounded by the fact that out of the meangle pays, the respective officer is expected to purchase virtually all of their belongings and personal items. The items include officers’ uniforms and equipment, which one would expect to get from the Academy or employer. Some issues of quality items in this respect it is worth mentioning.Due to the fact of fluctuated pay anybody is highly tempted to go for the least expensive item and it is common sense that least expensive is least quality. The practice of officers buying uniforms and equipment for themselves has an outlay that can easily run into thousands of dollars. As a solution, the Municipal Union in 2007 through the Municipal Credit Union began issuing visa credit cards to the Police Academy as a way to borrow the money needed towards the mandatory equipment purchases.Top pay for experienced officers is no better compared with pay of other potential employers. The recommended top pay for an experienced NYPD officer is $59,588 not including overtime payments and other forms of compensation. The major contributor to these problems is the municipal funding agent s, which although it has continually funded other city project.The new basketball arena in Brooklyn got an approximate 8.3 acres land, which although it was a part of a forest the administration asserts that this is no land grabbing. For the sake of its development it got a further $100 million. (Kleining John, 1996). The Second Avenue Train line got the full funding agreement with a massive $2.5 bond issues and its work expected to follow within weeks to months. (Kleining John, 1996).The Mayor’s Green Plan is raising quite substantial amount whereby drivers are levied for entering Manhattan at rates of $8 for personal vehicles and $21 for truck operators. Major tugs of war have been evidently available as is the case of the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), which urged the council members to provide the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) with adequate funding and to hold it accountable for recent lapses in its performance. NYCLU decried to Mayor Bloomberg’s proposals to cut CCRB funding by $1.2 million eliminating twenty four investigator positions and urged the city council to restore the CCRB’s funding to demand cooperation from NYPD and other agencies involved in the civilian review process.The NYCLU was actively instrumental in the creation of the independent CCRB in the year 2002, and has been an outspoken advocate for a vigorous and independent civilian review system. As part of this effort, the NYCLU has fought CCRB budget cuts year after year and has been highly critical of NYPD efforts to undermine the CCRB’s work. (Kleining John, 1996). Whereas the policy makers and implementers argue that they are in favor of keeping tabs on the people suspected of unlawful activities, they argue that the police should not be scrutinizing law abiding New Yorkers’ activities without regulations.Low pay is driving more and more New York’s finest to leave the job despite ranks being bolstered. Especially in 2005 and 2006, 1,769 officers were reported to quit job before their retirement eligibility. (Kleining John, 1996). The numbers have had a real impact on the streets and city hall does not have the courage to solve the problem.Difficulties Compounding Police Force IssueSome extremely difficult times were experienced in the city brought about by the economic downturn of the 1970. An arson attack particularly plagued Bronx leading to permeability of an atmosphere of lawlessness in the city. In addition, the city’s financial crisis led to a hiring freeze on all city departments including the NYPD from 1976 to 1980. (Eli B. Silverman, 1990). A crack epidemic of late 1980s and early 1990s followed in suit the arson attack, which is believed most certainly led to the city’s homicide rate to soar to an all time higher. A marvelous record of murder, so great that it has yet remained difficult to break in any other US major city, was recorded in 1990. (Eli B. Silverman, 1990).The situat ion was further complicated by continuous thefts associated with drug addiction increasing became common. Furthermore, on September 11, 2001, twenty-three NYPD officers were killed when the World Trade Centre collapsed due to terrorist attack. More lives were lost that year than any other year in the NYPD’s history. (Eli B. Silverman, 1990).All through history, the NYPD has suffered from numerous allegations of corruption. However, as the many commissions of inquiry convened to inquire about these alleged matters, the results have shown these instances of corruption reflect far greater on the individual’s involved rather than do on a systemic form of corruption. As a matter of fact, the instances of corruption when compared through statistics to the sheer number of the departments as a whole, the NYPD actually has a lower corruption rate than many other departments.Most commissions on corruption blame low morale and chronically low salary as the large contributing fact or. As things sour up to such heights it remains questionable as to the destiny and way out for these unlucky officers. Information permeability is in place of existing training and working condition in other departments of equal capacity as the NYPD.Situation Outside NYPDIt is crystal clear that in nearby departments’ payments is considerably more ranging from $50,000 for new hires and over $90,000 for experienced officers. Over the last few years hundreds of NYPD city officers have been found to leave for higher paying jobs with other agencies notably the Nassau County Police Department, the Suffolk County Police Department and the Port Authority Police of New York and New Jersey. (Bratton et al, 1998). Discontent over pay issues has become so widespread and so well known that higher paying departments in the lower cost of living areas such as the Rochester New York Police are actively recruiting NYPD officers to join their forces.Large numbers of NYPD officers have also mi grated to the New York City Fire Departments where, although the payments are similar to that of NYPD, work schedules are more attractive and they are privileged to have a more amicable relationship with the public. (Bratton et al, 1998). However, the NYPD is not comfortable with the exodus taken by their trained employees. Resources have been used for the training and therefore the exodus is a big loss to NYPD. Employees’ turnover is also a bad influence facing NYPD as a result of this exodus.Therefore, to counteract the exodus, the NYPD is using contract changes to forbid the prior practice of allowing police officers who join the fire department to transfer their seniority for a compensation purposes. With all new firefighters now compelled to begin working at the same starting pay, the number of NYPD officials willing to exit over to the FDNY is likely to fall considerably. (Bratton et al, 1998).Some NYPD officers charge that the department leadership is seeking to stem t he flow of officers to other jurisdictions by administrative means. In January 2006, 35 NYPD officers seeking to move to the Port Authority Police sued the NYPD claiming that it was refusing to make their personal records available to Ports Authority Police Department (PAPD) background investigators. The plaintiffs won the injunction at the trial level but the appellate division in January 2007 overturned that ruling and ordered that case to trial. (James T. Hamilton, 2000). For its part, the NYPD claims that its actions are merely in line with the personnel practices of any other employers and that there is no â€Å"stealth† effort to prevent officers from moving elsewhere.Nonetheless, it is a fact that no NYPD officers have been included in the last PAPD Police Academy as a result of the deliberate confinement of their background records by their employer NYPD. Despite these obstacles, there are signs that the exodus from the NYPD may become accelerating. In 2006, 902 offic ers resigned before eligibility for retirement. The number had been 867 in the previous year (2005) and 635 in the other previous year (2004), which contributes for an attrition rate of around 2%. (James T. Hamilton, 2000).While the Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly insists that the figures compares positively with the turnover rates in private industry, police union officials note that the proper comparison should be with prior years on the NYPD records in past years. For example, in 1991 only 15% officers left early thus recording an attrition rate of less than one half of one percent. (James T. Hamilton, 2000).The unfair state in NYPD has impacted negative picture of the Academy. Recruits and skilled officers are expected to take care of their transport costs. They are also supposed to cater for costs of their duty belts, handcuffs, flashlights etc. whenever they wear out. The cost of maintaining fresh supplies has been uncatered for by the Academy. The supervisors treat recruits and officers like children and the harsh manner of the supervisors create disrespect in the Academy. Recruits are taken for field experience and during the occasion they are given up to supervisory jobs. Due to the frequent turnover some identified officers and recruits are forced to act on supervisory capacity without an extra pay.At the end of it all participation in unions is crippled due to crippled financial status. They are also incapacitated to play meaningful roles in the society and their background society issues are very poor.The potential recruit of NYPD should expect to earn the lowest pay while working in the most dangerous environment in the tri-state area and should also expect picayune disciplinary action with a trial room having nearly 100% conviction rate. Dozens of civilian complaints from criminals and then complaints are investigated by cop hating, democratic club hacks. The recruit should also expect to be a great â€Å"white defendant† seeking publici ty, grand-standing district attorney have their life ruined when they make a good faith mistake they become financially destroyed plus their families by paying huge money in legal fees.The cop expects the boss ever behind while executing duties, any civilian complaint with a controversial case falls on the cops shoulders. The supervisors of the cops are ready to protect politicians at the expense of their junior cops. The members of the department above the rank of lieutenant are ready to earn promotion through suppression of their juniors. The NYPD cop members are the most demoralized army group. They give protection to millions of liberal, unappreciative citizens and democratic officers who hate them.The cops are also vilified by phony ministers who command huge sums of government poverty money to aid and assist crime. The cops transcend through six months of training then in disquiets join other police departments leaving their leaders searching for reasons of the exodus. As seni or members of NYPD shift to other departments, such as Suffolk County Cop, a vacancy opening leaves a promotion slot quickly.ConclusionThe result of poor funding in NYPD is a poor social economic structure. This leads to exit and exodus of those who enter NYPD Academy leading to brain drain and employee turnover. The lack of funding has created a huge salary disparity between NYPD and other same category departments. Any well-qualified person fears any indulgence with NYPD. Although their entry requirements are well outlines, a number of recruits gain entry into the Academy without the possession of valid driving licenses, relevant credentials possibility of suffering some disqualifications creates problems of retention of probationary employees since discontent and lack of motivation is the cause of exodus to a better place.ReferencesBratton, William J. & Knobler Peter (1998) Turnaround: How American Top Cops Reversed the Crime Epidemic. New York: Random House.Eli B. Silverman (199 0) NYPD Battles Crime: Innovative Strategies in Policing. North Eastern University Press. ISBN-13:978-15555340011.Fred. M. Rafilson (2000) Police Officer Arco; 13th Ed. ISBN-13:978-0028637419.James T. Hamilton (2000) Channeling Violence. Princeton University Press. New Ed. ISBN-13:978-0691070247.Kleining John (1996) The Ethics of Policing. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.Lung Worthy, Robert H. (1986) The Structure of Police Organizations. New York. Praeger.Reaves, Brian A. (1996) Local Police Departments. Diane Pub Co. ISBN-13:978-0788130076. New York Police Department Recruitment And Challenges Some of this is funny†¦most of it, if accurate, is outrageous. While some of the latter is verifiable, it is difficult to sort out just how much is simply sour grapes and whining because 40 miles to the East, Suffolk Country MOS have a huge contract. New York Police Department cannot get enough applicants to give a test for Police officers 88% of Port Authority Police Department Academy graduates are from New York Police Department cops, 50% of a new class of NYFD class are from New York Police Department. (Lung Worthy et al, 1986).IntroductionThe New York City Police (NYPD) has over the last years been known to be the largest municipal police force in the world with a vital primary responsibility to enforce the law and carry out investigations within the five boroughs of the New York City, which include Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester etc. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000).NYPD is dedicated to work towards enhancing the quality of life in the city by working in accordance to the constitut ion. This is achieved through its mission statement, which is â€Å"Enforce the law, preserve the peace, reduce fear and provide for a safe environment†. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000). This in result entails to preventing fear and responding to crime.In the United States, NYPD is considered as being the first modern style police department being an array of specialized services. It is contracted and dedicated to offering expertise in technical operations, K-9, diving or marine skills, aviation or helicopter skills, bomb disposal technology, counterterrorism technology, intelligence skills, antigang techniques, narcotics detection, public transportation, control and public housing. The NYPD has extensive crime scene investigations and laboratory resources while not also overlooking their units, which assist with computer crime investigations. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000)Recruitment Requirements for NYPDTo pace afoot into the NYPD academy, the following requirements are a prerequisite : one must be an United States citizen at the time of application; one must possess a valid high school diploma or an educational equivalent; one must have successfully completed either sixty (60) college credits from a credible college or a university with at least 2.0 GPA or two (2) years full time United States Military Service. (Reaves, Brian A., 1996).However, one could achieve the above qualifications yet be disqualified for admission because of the following factors: – One may have been convicted of an offence, which indicates lack of good moral character, or disposition towards violence or disorder or which is punishable by one or more years of imprisonment; one may have undergone repeated convictions of an offence, which indicates disrespect of the law; one may have been discharged from an employment as a result of poor behavior or inability to adjust to discipline; one may have been discharged in a dishonorable manner from the military service; one may have been con victed of an offence for domestic violence misdemeanor; and lastly, one may have been convicted for committing a felony. (Lung Worthy et al, 1986).A Practical SituationDespite all these requirements and all the theoretical expectations from these special, well-trained and skilled cops a great problem looms in their working circumstances. For any person to work there is always expectations of commensurate benefits from the field of occupation necessary for the daily upkeep of the individual and dependants. The standard of life should also have a direct relationship with the rightful inputs of an individual to the workplace. Future progress should also be projected by the current occupation performance and renumeration. Other workplace related benefits are also very crucial determinants of an employee wellbeing and welfare. All these issues if not properly addressed, will lead to decreased morale, decreased output and poor performance and ultimately high degree of employees’ dr opout leading to high turnovers.This is the critical condition facing the NYPD. In 2005, there was a state arbitration and a panel of judges’ decree covering a contract negotiation between NYPD representatives and state representatives, which came up with a pay decrease for new officers. The new outcomes have been discussed here: – On admission, a new hire during training is supposed to earn $25,100 per year. This continues for the next six (6) months. On the completion of the Police Academy, the respective individual becomes entitled to an annual salary increase up to $32,700. To explain this, the state argues that the salaries were adjusted as a result of inflation. In practice these figures are far much low below the living standards of an employed person and they happen to be the lowest pay levels in history for rookie NYPD cops.This was a wrong decision by the jurisdiction of lowering the starting pay for new officers at such a time that the officers are most impr essionable and this act seems particularly unwise to majority of the people. The salary plunge is blamed on state arbitrator and is seen as a bad public policy to reduce the starting salary. The union officers argued that the city first suggested lower starting salaries to fund the pay raises and arbitration was taken to because the city refused to negotiate across the table. The conventional wisdom when applied tends to purport an inverse relationship between salary and corruption as witnessed in the jurisdiction such as New Orleans. (Fred. M. Rafilson, 2000).The issue at hand is very crucial towards motivation of workers. A person of proper orientation cannot even dream or think about joining this career, which is devoid of motivation considering that there exists a high degree of risk in this profession. The situation is further compounded by the fact that out of the meangle pays, the respective officer is expected to purchase virtually all of their belongings and personal items. The items include officers’ uniforms and equipment, which one would expect to get from the Academy or employer. Some issues of quality items in this respect it is worth mentioning.Due to the fact of fluctuated pay anybody is highly tempted to go for the least expensive item and it is common sense that least expensive is least quality. The practice of officers buying uniforms and equipment for themselves has an outlay that can easily run into thousands of dollars. As a solution, the Municipal Union in 2007 through the Municipal Credit Union began issuing visa credit cards to the Police Academy as a way to borrow the money needed towards the mandatory equipment purchases.Top pay for experienced officers is no better compared with pay of other potential employers. The recommended top pay for an experienced NYPD officer is $59,588 not including overtime payments and other forms of compensation. The major contributor to these problems is the municipal funding agents, which althou gh it has continually funded other city project. The new basketball arena in Brooklyn got an approximate 8.3 acres land, which although it was a part of a forest the administration asserts that this is no land grabbing. For the sake of its development it got a further $100 million. (Kleining John, 1996). The Second Avenue Train line got the full funding agreement with a massive $2.5 bond issues and its work expected to follow within weeks to months. (Kleining John, 1996).The Mayor’s Green Plan is raising quite substantial amount whereby drivers are levied for entering Manhattan at rates of $8 for personal vehicles and $21 for truck operators. Major tugs of war have been evidently available as is the case of the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), which urged the council members to provide the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) with adequate funding and to hold it accountable for recent lapses in its performance. NYCLU decried to Mayor Bloomberg’s proposals to c ut CCRB funding by $1.2 million eliminating twenty four investigator positions and urged the city council to restore the CCRB’s funding to demand cooperation from NYPD and other agencies involved in the civilian review process.The NYCLU was actively instrumental in the creation of the independent CCRB in the year 2002, and has been an outspoken advocate for a vigorous and independent civilian review system. As part of this effort, the NYCLU has fought CCRB budget cuts year after year and has been highly critical of NYPD efforts to undermine the CCRB’s work. (Kleining John, 1996). Whereas the policy makers and implementers argue that they are in favor of keeping tabs on the people suspected of unlawful activities, they argue that the police should not be scrutinizing law abiding New Yorkers’ activities without regulations.Low pay is driving more and more New York’s finest to leave the job despite ranks being bolstered. Especially in 2005 and 2006, 1,769 of ficers were reported to quit job before their retirement eligibility. (Kleining John, 1996). The numbers have had a real impact on the streets and city hall does not have the courage to solve the problem.Difficulties Compounding Police Force IssueSome extremely difficult times were experienced in the city brought about by the economic downturn of the 1970. An arson attack particularly plagued Bronx leading to permeability of an atmosphere of lawlessness in the city. In addition, the city’s financial crisis led to a hiring freeze on all city departments including the NYPD from 1976 to 1980. (Eli B. Silverman, 1990). A crack epidemic of late 1980s and early 1990s followed in suit the arson attack, which is believed most certainly led to the city’s homicide rate to soar to an all time higher. A marvelous record of murder, so great that it has yet remained difficult to break in any other US major city, was recorded in 1990. (Eli B. Silverman, 1990).The situation was furthe r complicated by continuous thefts associated with drug addiction increasing became common. Furthermore, on September 11, 2001, twenty-three NYPD officers were killed when the World Trade Centre collapsed due to terrorist attack. More lives were lost that year than any other year in the NYPD’s history. (Eli B. Silverman, 1990).All through history, the NYPD has suffered from numerous allegations of corruption. However, as the many commissions of inquiry convened to inquire about these alleged matters, the results have shown these instances of corruption reflect far greater on the individual’s involved rather than do on a systemic form of corruption. As a matter of fact, the instances of corruption when compared through statistics to the sheer number of the departments as a whole, the NYPD actually has a lower corruption rate than many other departments. Most commissions on corruption blame low morale and chronically low salary as the large contributing factor. As things sour up to such heights it remains questionable as to the destiny and way out for these unlucky officers. Information permeability is in place of existing training and working condition in other departments of equal capacity as the NYPD.Situation Outside NYPDIt is crystal clear that in nearby departments’ payments is considerably more ranging from $50,000 for new hires and over $90,000 for experienced officers. Over the last few years hundreds of NYPD city officers have been found to leave for higher paying jobs with other agencies notably the Nassau County Police Department, the Suffolk County Police Department and the Port Authority Police of New York and New Jersey. (Bratton et al, 1998). Discontent over pay issues has become so widespread and so well known that higher paying departments in the lower cost of living areas such as the Rochester New York Police are actively recruiting NYPD officers to join their forces. Large numbers of NYPD officers have also migrated to th e New York City Fire Departments where, although the payments are similar to that of NYPD, work schedules are more attractive and they are privileged to have a more amicable relationship with the public. (Bratton et al, 1998).However, the NYPD is not comfortable with the exodus taken by their trained employees. Resources have been used for the training and therefore the exodus is a big loss to NYPD. Employees’ turnover is also a bad influence facing NYPD as a result of this exodus. Therefore, to counteract the exodus, the NYPD is using contract changes to forbid the prior practice of allowing police officers who join the fire department to transfer their seniority for a compensation purposes. With all new firefighters now compelled to begin working at the same starting pay, the number of NYPD officials willing to exit over to the FDNY is likely to fall considerably. (Bratton et al, 1998).Some NYPD officers charge that the department leadership is seeking to stem the flow of o fficers to other jurisdictions by administrative means. In January 2006, 35 NYPD officers seeking to move to the Port Authority Police sued the NYPD claiming that it was refusing to make their personal records available to Ports Authority Police Department (PAPD) background investigators. The plaintiffs won the injunction at the trial level but the appellate division in January 2007 overturned that ruling and ordered that case to trial. (James T. Hamilton, 2000). For its part, the NYPD claims that its actions are merely in line with the personnel practices of any other employers and that there is no â€Å"stealth† effort to prevent officers from moving elsewhere.Nonetheless, it is a fact that no NYPD officers have been included in the last PAPD Police Academy as a result of the deliberate confinement of their background records by their employer NYPD. Despite these obstacles, there are signs that the exodus from the NYPD may become accelerating. In 2006, 902 officers resigned before eligibility for retirement. The number had been 867 in the previous year (2005) and 635 in the other previous year (2004), which contributes for an attrition rate of around 2%. (James T. Hamilton, 2000).While the Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly insists that the figures compares positively with the turnover rates in private industry, police union officials note that the proper comparison should be with prior years on the NYPD records in past years. For example, in 1991 only 15% officers left early thus recording an attrition rate of less than one half of one percent. (James T. Hamilton, 2000).The unfair state in NYPD has impacted negative picture of the Academy. Recruits and skilled officers are expected to take care of their transport costs. They are also supposed to cater for costs of their duty belts, handcuffs, flashlights etc. whenever they wear out. The cost of maintaining fresh supplies has been uncatered for by the Academy. The supervisors treat recruits and officer s like children and the harsh manner of the supervisors create disrespect in the Academy. Recruits are taken for field experience and during the occasion they are given up to supervisory jobs. Due to the frequent turnover some identified officers and recruits are forced to act on supervisory capacity without an extra pay.At the end of it all participation in unions is crippled due to crippled financial status. They are also incapacitated to play meaningful roles in the society and their background society issues are very poor.The potential recruit of NYPD should expect to earn the lowest pay while working in the most dangerous environment in the tri-state area and should also expect picayune disciplinary action with a trial room having nearly 100% conviction rate. Dozens of civilian complaints from criminals and then complaints are investigated by cop hating, democratic club hacks. The recruit should also expect to be a great â€Å"white defendant† seeking publicity, grand-st anding district attorney have their life ruined when they make a good faith mistake they become financially destroyed plus their families by paying huge money in legal fees. The cop expects the boss ever behind while executing duties, any civilian complaint with a controversial case falls on the cops shoulders.The supervisors of the cops are ready to protect politicians at the expense of their junior cops. The members of the department above the rank of lieutenant are ready to earn promotion through suppression of their juniors. The NYPD cop members are the most demoralized army group. They give protection to millions of liberal, unappreciative citizens and democratic officers who hate them. The cops are also vilified by phony ministers who command huge sums of government poverty money to aid and assist crime. The cops transcend through six months of training then in disquiets join other police departments leaving their leaders searching for reasons of the exodus. As senior members of NYPD shift to other departments, such as Suffolk County Cop, a vacancy opening leaves a promotion slot quickly.ConclusionThe result of poor funding in NYPD is a poor social economic structure. This leads to exit and exodus of those who enter NYPD Academy leading to brain drain and employee turnover. The lack of funding has created a huge salary disparity between NYPD and other same category departments. Any well-qualified person fears any indulgence with NYPD. Although their entry requirements are well outlines, a number of recruits gain entry into the Academy without the possession of valid driving licenses, relevant credentials possibility of suffering some disqualifications creates problems of retention of probationary employees since discontent and lack of motivation is the cause of exodus to a better place.ReferencesBratton, William J. & Knobler Peter (1998) Turnaround: How American Top Cops Reversed the Crime Epidemic. New York: Random House.Eli B. Silverman (1990) NYPD Bat tles Crime: Innovative Strategies in Policing. North Eastern University Press. ISBN-13:978-15555340011.Fred. M. Rafilson (2000) Police Officer Arco; 13th Ed. ISBN-13:978-0028637419.James T. Hamilton (2000) Channeling Violence. Princeton University Press. New Ed. ISBN-13:978-0691070247.Kleining John (1996) The Ethics of Policing. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.Lung Worthy, Robert H. (1986) The Structure of Police Organizations. New York. Praeger.Reaves, Brian A. (1996) Local Police Departments. Diane Pub Co. ISBN-13:978-0788130076.